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November 6th - The Elijah Moment ("A Republic, if you can keep it", How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 16th - Attention must be paid (My Thoughts Exactly) (by John)
September 7th - The JCPA Does More To Help Big Media Then Local Journalism (This Is My shocked Face). (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Media Ownership, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 1st - Does SCOTUS EPA Case Impact Net Neutrality? Here’s Why I Say No. (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, net neutrality, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 24th - No Sohn Means No Broadband Map, and No Broadband Map Means No BEAD Money. (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 15th - Get Ready for the 2022 Season of Spectrum Wars! (Infrastructure, Life In The Sausage Factory, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold)
November 8th - What the Eff, FAA? My Insanely Long Field Guide to the FAA/FCC 5G C-Band Fight. (Infrastructure, Life In The Sausage Factory, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 27th - We Will Have a Dream Team FCC (and NTIA) — But You Still Have To Fight For Your Right To Broadband! ("A Republic, if you can keep it", How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Infrastructure, Life In The Sausage Factory, net neutrality, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 12th - Yes, Facebook Wants a Digital Regulator. It’s Still A Good Idea. (Digital Platforms, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold)
November 10th - My generic post election op ed. (General, How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 25th - What (Not) to Wear on Election Day; or, Would You Rather Vote or Be a Test Case. ("A Republic, if you can keep it", I Fear These Things, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 2nd - Markey’s Bet on Net Neutrality Pays Off (But Not How You Think). (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 22nd - We Can #ConnectTribes to Broadband, and YOU Can Help! (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 9th - The Revolution Will Not Be Focus Grouped ("A Republic, if you can keep it", How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, I Fear These Things, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 4th - Breaking Down and Taking Down Trump’s Executive Order Spanking Social Media. ("A Republic, if you can keep it", Censorship Public and Private, Digital Platforms, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 1st - The Trump Administration Goes to War over 5G, with Itself (Life In The Sausage Factory, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 14th - Memorial: Henry Geller, Public Interest Champion and Pioneer: 1924-2020. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 23rd - Want to Keep America Home? Give Everyone Free Basic Broadband. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 4th - Auctioning a Chunk of 6 GHz Would be Phenomenally Bad Policy. (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 24th - The Lessig Lawsuit (sung to the tune of “The Reynolds Pamphlet”). (Censorship Public and Private, How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 22nd - I get to deflate the 5G Hype Bubble a Bit at an Unusually Good Senate Hearing. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 1st - A Farewell To Julie Knapp. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold)
November 13th - My Insanely Long Field Guide To The C-Band Spectrum Fight, And Why This Won’t End In December. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 6th - Lindsay Ellis and the Future of Content in Europe (Fighting the IP Mafia, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 29th - A Slew of Minor Corrections On My Political Advertising Post From the Dean of Public Interest Telecom. ("A Republic, if you can keep it", Censorship Public and Private, Digital Platforms, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 17th - Political Advertising In Crisis: What We Should Learn From the Warren/Facebook Ad Flap. ("A Republic, if you can keep it", Censorship Public and Private, Digital Platforms, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 14th - Can Trump Really Have The FCC Regulate Social Media? So No. (Censorship Public and Private, Digital Platforms, How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 8th - Information Fiduciaries: Good Framework, Bad Solution. (Digital Platforms, Privacy, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 8th - I Accidentally Write A Book On How To Regulate Digital Platforms. (Censorship Public and Private, Digital Platforms, How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 15th - How Not To Train Your Agency, Or Why The FTC Is Toothless. (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 14th - Will The FCC Ignore the Privacy Implications of Enhanced Geolocation In New E911 Rulemaking? (I Fear These Things, Privacy, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 12th - What Makes Elizabeth Warren’s Platform Proposal So Potentially Important. (Censorship Public and Private, Digital Platforms, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold)
December 6th - Tumblr, Consolidation and The Gentrification of Internet. (Censorship Public and Private, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 28th - Pai Continues Radical Deregulation Agenda. Next On The Menu — SMS Texting and Short Codes (Censorship Public and Private, I Fear These Things, net neutrality, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 28th - We Need To Fix Media, Not Just Social Media — Part III ("A Republic, if you can keep it", Digital Platforms, How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 7th - Why You Should Treat Any Predictions About Telecom/Tech Policy in 2019 Skeptically. ("A Republic, if you can keep it", How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 29th - We Need To Fix News Media, Not Just Social Media — Part II (Digital Platforms, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 17th - Hurricane Michael A Wake Up Call On Why Total Dereg of Telecom A Very Bad Idea. (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 16th - I Take the #CallYourRep4TheNet Challenge, and You Can Too! (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 10th - We Need To Fix The News Media, Not Just Social Media Part I ("A Republic, if you can keep it", Digital Platforms, How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Media Ownership, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 26th - Stoping the 5G Digital Divide Before It Happens. (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 19th - Using The Cost of Exclusion to Measure The Dominance of Digital Platforms. (Digital Platforms, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 18th - So What The Heck *IS* A Digital Platform? (Digital Platforms, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 17th - Why Platform Regulation Is Both Necessary and Hard. (Digital Platforms, General, Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 15th - UPDATE: Why Tech Freedom Are Totally Wrong About The CRA. (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 11th - “A Woman of Valor Who Can Find?” Farewell to Commissioner Mignon Clyburn. (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 10th - UPDATE: Net Neutrality Repeal Goes Into Effect June 11 (Absent CRA Passage Or Anything Else). (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 9th - Yes, the 2017 Net Neutrality Repeal Is A “Rule” Under the CRA. (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 9th - How Popular Is Net Neutrality? Opponents Have to Hide They Are Campaigning Against It. (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 11th - Better Privacy Protections Won’t Kill Free Facebook. (Privacy, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 6th - Can The States Really Pass Their Own Net Neutrality Laws? Here’s Why I Think Yes. (Cable, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 29th - Solving the Rural Broadband Equation — Fund Infrastructure, Not Carriers. (Series of Tubes, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory, The Stimulus Package (ARRA)) (by Harold) January 18th - What You Need To Know About Repealing The Repeal of Net Neutrality — How The CRA Works. (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 10th - The History of Net Neutrality In 13 Years of Tales of the Sausage Factory (with a few additions). Part I ("A Republic, if you can keep it", How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold)
December 19th - The 5 Weirdest Things About That Ajit Pai Video. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 12th - No, the FTC CANNOT Have A Ban On All ISP Blocking. (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 23rd - Our Modern Thanksgiving Celebrates The End of Slavery, Not Plymouth Rock. ("A Republic, if you can keep it", Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 9th - The DOJ’s Case Against AT&T Is Stronger Than You Think — Again. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Media Ownership, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 13th - What You Need To Know About the 2017 Wireless Competition Report. (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 5th - My Insanely Long Field Guide To Common Carriage, Public Utility, Public Forum — And Why The Differences Matter. (Censorship Public and Private, How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 30th - Will Rural Texas Ever Get Its Phone Service Back After Harvey? (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 14th - My Response to Charlottesville. ("A Republic, if you can keep it", How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, I Fear These Things, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 21st - *Packingham* And The Public Forum Doctrine Part I: Implications For Copyright. (Censorship Public and Private, Fighting the IP Mafia, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 17th - Will Pai “Pull A Putin” And Hack the FCC Process? Or Will He Get Over Himself and Start Acting Like The Chairman? ("A Republic, if you can keep it", How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 2nd - Welcome Back to the Net Neutrality Fight Summer Blockbuster Reboot! ("A Republic, if you can keep it", Cable, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 17th - My Letter To Trump On Why I Need to Hear Him Say: “Anti-Semitism Is Bad.” ("A Republic, if you can keep it", How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, I Fear These Things, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 9th - Trump Keeps Us All Guessing On Telecom. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold)
November 18th - The George Washington Pledge: “To Bigotry No Sanction, To Persecution No Assistance.” ("A Republic, if you can keep it", How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, I Fear These Things, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 2nd - Are Police Jamming Cell Phones At Standing Rock Protest? The FCC Should Investigate. ("A Republic, if you can keep it", Censorship Public and Private, How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 9th - Discovery Part 2: How (Inventing the Future, Software) (by Stearns) October 9th - Discovery Part 1: The Issue (Inventing the Future, Software) (by Stearns) September 24th - Dude – Who brought the ‘script’s to the party? (Inventing the Future, meta-medium) (by Stearns) September 19th - FCC Tells You About Your Phone Transition — Y’all Might Want To Pay Attention. (General, PSTN Transition, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 12th - Cleveland and the Return Of Broadband Redlining. (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 10th - Feeding Content (Inventing the Future, meta-medium) (by Stearns) September 5th - Can Obama Stop The Stalling On Clinton Appointees. Or: “It’s Raining Progressives, Hallelujah!” ("A Republic, if you can keep it", How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 24th - Farewell To AT&T’s Jim Cicconi. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 22nd - Update on Muni Broadband Decision. The Fate of Pinetop, N.C. (Cable, How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 16th - FCC Loses It’s Muni Broadband Test Case. What Comes Next? (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 18th - NCTA Shocked — SHOCKED! — to Discover Ex Parte Process At FCC. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 13th - The FCC Sets the Ground Rules For Shutting Down The Phone System — And Sets the Stage For Universal Broadband. (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, PSTN Transition, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 5th - AT&T’s BDS Hissy Fit Is Bad Strategy. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 22nd - Free Internet Is NOT For Porn — And Isn’t Broadband Access (Censorship Public and Private, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 12th - How DSRC Makes Us Less Safe: Privacy and Cybersecurity (Part 1) (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 21st - Cable Set-Top Box Arguments: Nothing But Reruns (Cable, Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 21st - Ben’s Social VR Adventure (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) April 15th - H.R. 2666: House Prepares to Give ISPs License To Price Gouge (Even More). (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 9th - How To Use High Fidelity (Inventing the Future, workflow) (by Stearns) March 16th - St. Urhu & St. Patrick Together Call us to Our Great Heritage (General, infotainment, Memology, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) February 29th - If McConnell Trusted His Own Party, He’d Follow the “Bork Precedent” and Hold A Vote. (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 18th - The Bird Is the Word! (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) January 31st - Makers’ Mash-Up (Inventing the Future, The Age of Imagination) (by Stearns) January 27th - What You Need To Know To Understand The FCC National Broadband Report. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold)
December 13th - Where do we fit? (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) December 11th - The Big Show (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) December 4th - My Amazingly Short (For Me) Quickie Reaction To Oral Argument (Series of Tubes, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 3rd - Net Neutrality: Tomorrow Is The Judgement Day (Well, Oral Argument). (Series of Tubes, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 26th - A Reflection on the First Thanksgiving. (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 25th - In Memoriam: Wally Bowen — Internet Pioneer, Community Activist, and A Hell of God Guy. ("A Republic, if you can keep it", How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 24th - Big milestone in our VR today: bow and arrow are cool, and the reasons why are cooler (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) November 5th - The End of Email Alerts (General Exception, Wetmachine site news) (by Gary) November 3rd - Synthetic biology legend George Church & I talk about science and civilization (I Fear These Things, Memology, podcast-my-thoughts-exactly, Wetware) (by John) October 21st - LTE-U v. Wi-Fi: The Abreviated Version (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 20th - My Insanely Long Field Guide To the LTEU Dust-Up Part II: A Storm of Spectrum Swords. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 10th - Avatar Results (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) October 7th - My Insanely Long Field Guide To The LTE-U Dust Up. Part I: Spectrum Game of Thrones. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 27th - High Fidelity Avatars: Interpretive Motion IK (Inventing the Future, Software) (by Stearns) September 25th - Turns Out Our Mobile Broadband Is As Mediocre As Our Wireline Broadband. (Series of Tubes, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 18th - Phone Industry To The Poor: “No Privacy For You!” (Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 1st - DISH DE Debacle Part 3: What Happens Now? (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 1st - DISH DE Debacle Part 2: So What Did The FCC Actually Do? (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 30th - New D.C. Circuit Decision Knocks Fairly Large Hole In Anti-Net Neutrality Case. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 20th - Hackers and Painters (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) June 19th - Broadband Access As Public Utility — My Speech at Personal Democracy Forum. (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 12th - Net Neutrality Litigation: Round 1 Goes To the FCC. (Cable, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 9th - Two Great Summaries, and “Where do ideas live?” (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) June 7th - Are You In My Game? part 2 (Inventing the Future, workflow) (by Stearns) May 23rd - What Goes Wrong? (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) May 21st - What is the Metaverse? (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) May 9th - What do you want it to be? (Inventing the Future, Memology) (by Stearns) May 6th - Inventing the Future: Act II (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) May 1st - Verizon Strikes A Blow For Competition And Consumer Choice. (Cable, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 24th - Comcast/TWC/Charter — OK, NOW It’s Time To Pop The Champagne, And Thank Staff For Doing Their Job. (Cable, How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 23rd - Comcast/TWC/Charter — Looking Good But Too Early To Pop The Champagne. (Cable, Media Ownership, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 24th - First Round of Lawsuits Filed In Net Neutrality Case. Now What? (Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 12th - Today is FCC Net Neutrality Order Day! What Happens Now? (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 25th - The FCC Is Gonna Give Me An Open Internet For My Birthday!! Tell Congress Not To Be Party Poopers. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 23rd - Title II, Robert McDowell, And The Boy Who Cried ‘Black Helicopter.’ (International, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 21st - Net Neutrality, Munibroadband and the SOTU Shout Out. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 19th - Separating M. L. King from Historical Context to Trivialize, Appropriate, Diminish his Work ("A Republic, if you can keep it", infotainment, Memology, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) January 8th - Welcome To The 2015 Spectrum Season! (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold)
December 8th - Art? (Inventing the Future, Memology) (by Stearns) December 6th - Billion Dollar Program Management (Inventing the Future, workflow) (by Stearns) November 18th - The Last Time The FCC Classified A Service As Title II Was 2007. Here’s How It Worked. (Series of Tubes, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 19th - My Insanely Long Field Guide To The War On CableCARD — Part II: STAVRA Section 203. (Cable, How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 19th - My Insanely Long Field Guide To The War On CableCARD — Part I: More Background Than You Can Possibly Imagine. (Cable, How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 13th - President Obama Says Some Good Things About Net Neutrality and Intellectual Property. (Fighting the IP Mafia, International, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 8th - Wheeler: “We Now Return To Our Transition of the Phone System Already In Progress.” (Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 2nd - Forbearance Redux — Still Easy Peasy (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 15th - I Summarize (Some of) My Net Neutrality Arguments in 15 Minutes (Cable, Censorship Public and Private, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 10th - The Comcast Witness Protection Program and Misplaced Rage. (Cable, Life In The Sausage Factory, Media Ownership, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 21st - Is Comcast’s Awful Service Grounds For Blocking The TWC Deal? Yes, Actually. (Cable, Media Ownership, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 18th - What Do We Learn From Big Data Visualizations Of Net Neutrality Comments? (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 14th - Title II Forbearance Is Actually So Easy It Makes Me Want To Puke. (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 25th - Of CDNs, Netflix, Net Neutrality, and Cable Fu#$@!ery. (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 3rd - Net Neutrality Videos Much More Interesting Than I Could Ever Make. (Censorship Public and Private, How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, International, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 26th - Spam Redux (err… Reduce?) (General Exception, Wetmachine site news) (by Gary) May 23rd - In the Spam Crosshairs (General Exception) (by Gary) May 14th - My Handy Guide To The May 15 FCC Meeting: What The Heck Is An Open FCC Mtg And How Does It Work? (Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 1st - Tom Wheeler and the Defining Question of Network Neutrality (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 30th - Wetmachine has a new baby sister! And so does Acts of the Apostles! (General, infotainment, My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) April 7th - Appreciation: Professor Robert B. Seidman RIP: 1920-2014 (General, International, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 3rd - Transcript of Wheeler’s full Statement At FCC Meeting (Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 3rd - My Insanely Long Field Guide To Understanding FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler Statement On Peering. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Media Ownership, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 21st - Email Updates Are Back! (General Exception) (by Gary) March 21st - Our RSS Feed Is Back! (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 9th - A Guide To The Mechanics of the Comcast/TWC Deal. Part IV: Congress, The White House And The Public. (Cable, How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, Media Ownership, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 9th - A Guide To The Mechanics of the Comcast/TWC Deal. Part III: The Federal Communications Commission. (Cable, Life In The Sausage Factory, Media Ownership, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 9th - A Guide to The Mechanics of the Comcast/TWC Deal. Part II: Antitrust Review (Cable, Life In The Sausage Factory, Media Ownership, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 9th - A Guide To The Mechanics of the Comcast/TWC Deal. Part I: Introduction (Cable, Life In The Sausage Factory, Media Ownership, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 18th - New Alliance of Orgs To Promote WiFi As Totally Awesome. (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 17th - Comcast/TWC Merger Explained By Taiwanese News Animation (Cable, I Fear These Things, Media Ownership, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 11th - The NSA & other USIAN “Surveillance” entities are actually ("A Republic, if you can keep it", General, I Fear These Things, Memology, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) February 6th - What town contains Apple’s flagship Palo Alto store? (General, Inventing the Future, Software, workflow) (by Stearns) January 31st - Jessica Rosenworcel And the Mantle of Michael Copps (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 16th - Quick First Cut On Network Neutrality Decision — State of Net Neutrality Today (Censorship Public and Private, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold)
December 23rd - Duck Dynasty Prompts Conservatives To Rediscover The Fairness Doctrine. (Censorship Public and Private, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 13th - Ten Years of Wetmachine Already? Some Preliminary Observations (General, My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) November 27th - Free Event on IP Transition In Boston Next Tuesday. Come Hear Me Preach. (General, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 25th - Cell Phones On A Plane Do Not Deserve The Same Freak Out As Snakes On A Plane (Life In The Sausage Factory, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 25th - Wheeler Blog Post Shifts Phone Transition Into Second Gear. (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 20th - Intellectual Property, Jewish Ethics, and Aaron Swartz (Fighting the IP Mafia, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 8th - AT&T/CIA Deal Violates Telemarketing Rules — So I’d Like to Opt Out. ("A Republic, if you can keep it", Censorship Public and Private, How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, I Fear These Things, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 4th - Governor Christie Channels Ann Romney ("A Republic, if you can keep it", General, infotainment, Memology, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) October 10th - John E. Sundman 1926 — 2013 (Firefighting, General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) October 9th - Will The Fed Shutdown Screw Up This Season’s Xmas Tech Toys? (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 21st - Staring at Jeremy Bornstein staring at me (General, Memology, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) September 16th - A Wide Range of Possible Outcomes In Net Neutrality Case. (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 13th - Our Bogus ‘Debate’ About PSTN Trials. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 10th - Verizon Brings FIOS to Fire Island (Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 9th - “The Internet Must Go” A Net Neutrality ‘Documentary.’ (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 5th - A Bridge to Somewhere ("A Republic, if you can keep it", Hardware, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) August 9th - Chairwoman Clyburn Shows How It’s Done — Doing The Job On Prison Phone Rate Reform ("A Republic, if you can keep it", General, How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 11th - I Talk On Wisconsin Public Radio About The End of the Phone System (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 4th - My July 4th Reflection ("A Republic, if you can keep it", Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 4th - Quick Update: Verizon Responds To Yesterday’s Blog Post. (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 4th - Making the Tech Tool Work (Inventing the Future, KidsFirst, The Age of Imagination) (by Stearns) May 27th - The “Meme Hustler” hustler: Evgeny Morozov’s Stupid Talk about Tim O’Reilly ("A Republic, if you can keep it", Memology, My Thoughts Exactly, Software, Writing) (by John) May 17th - Associated Press is shocked –SHOCKED — To Discover Government Cannot Be Trusted With Power to Spy ("A Republic, if you can keep it", How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, I Fear These Things, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 8th - Content Developers and the Cloudy Future (General Exception, Software) (by Gary) May 7th - Briefly on Bitcoin — There Is Nothing New Under The Sun. (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 6th - First Reactions To The FCC’s 600 MHz Band Plan Workshop. (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 1st - Would Tom Wheeler Really Have Approved The AT&T/T-Mo Merger? Why I don’t Think So. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 26th - Google Fiber and the Next Stage In The Evolution of T. GOOG (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 15th - The Right Cell Phone Policy In Boston. (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 10th - Will Walden Wipe Out DMCA and CISPA To Take Out Net Neutrality In The Name of “Internet Freedom?” (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, International, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 8th - The Best 10 Ironies About The “Obama Phone” (Life In The Sausage Factory, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 3rd - Rural Call Completion and the Problem of Network Neuropathy. (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 22nd - Exit Julius Genachowski (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 21st - Some Reflections on McDowell Departure, And What Happens Next. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 16th - Happy Finno-Irish-American Weekend, Y’all (General, infotainment, Memology, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 10th - A Farewell to the Higgins (General Exception) (by Gary) March 4th - Here at Freedom-2-Connect 2013 (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 14th - Shutting Down the Phone System: Comcast’s Very Scary Filing (I Fear These Things, Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 8th - Cecilia Kang Is Right: There Really Could Be A Free National WiFi Network (of Networks) (Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 4th - I’m Testifying Tomorrow And It Will Be WCIT-Awesome! (Censorship Public and Private, I Fear These Things, International, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 22nd - Apologies for the spam (Tales of the Sausage Factory, Wetmachine site news) (by Gary) January 20th - Moving into a new home (General Exception, Wetmachine site news) (by Gary) January 20th - Rest In Peace, Andreas Raab (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) January 18th - SOPA Blackout, One Year Later (Fighting the IP Mafia, How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 16th - CNET, CBS and the Newspaper/Broadcast Cross-Ownership Rules (Censorship Public and Private, Media Ownership, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 16th - Lessons From The Derecho 9-1-1 Failure: When Industry Self-Regulation Is Not Enough. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 13th - Farewell Aaron, and thank you ("A Republic, if you can keep it", I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly, Software, Wetware) (by John) January 9th - Ergen Makes Bid For CLWR After All, What’s Up With That? (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold)
December 17th - Enough (I Fear These Things, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) December 10th - A Pocket Guide For The WCIT-12 (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 26th - In case you wondered just how much the EU hates ACTA . . . (Fighting the IP Mafia, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 25th - Bullet Dodged; Cannon Now More Clearly in View ("A Republic, if you can keep it", I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) November 16th - This Is Why Policyland Is Complicated (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, Media Ownership, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 11th - Open Letter To Congress: Please Do Not Try For A Grand Bargain When “Competence” Still Eludes You. (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 23rd - I Propose A Commercial For Sprint’s Unlimited Data Plan (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 19th - Will AT&T Try To Crash the Sprint/SoftBank Party? (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 16th - Book Review: Year Zero By Rob Reid (Fighting the IP Mafia, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 14th - Will The Program Access Rules Expire On October 5? (Cable, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 30th - FCC Authority In VZ/SpectrumCo, or “Real Lawyers Read The Footnotes.” (Cable, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 20th - Could Verizon/SpectrumCo Create Gaping New Loophole In Media Ownership Rules? (Cable, Media Ownership, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 19th - Laying Claim to Sundman’s Law (Memology, My Thoughts Exactly, Software) (by John) August 13th - If I were the MPAA . . . How I Would Deal With My Car Break-In. (Fighting the IP Mafia, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 12th - Pussy Riot nails their theses to the doors of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour ("A Republic, if you can keep it", I Fear These Things, Memology, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) July 11th - VZ/SpectrumCo Update: Actually Pretty Good, Except For That ‘Cartel’ Thing. (Cable, Media Ownership, Series of Tubes, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 2nd - USTR Manages To Make The ITU Look Good — Which Will Bite Our Rear Ends In Dubai (Fighting the IP Mafia, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 24th - Olivia’s Balls (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) June 19th - The ITU, WCIT and Internet Freedom (Censorship Public and Private, I Fear These Things, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 6th - FCC Special Access Reboot — And AT&T’s Somewhat Disingenuous Response (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 4th - Turning Off The Phone System? What Do You Mean We’re Turning Off The Phone System? (Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 3rd - API Copyrightability in Oracle America [sic] v Google (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) May 29th - Short Fiction: Last Words (Imagination Sinkhole) (by Cheeseburger Brown) May 3rd - Meanwhile, Back in the Real World — Hunger on Martha’s Vineyard ("A Republic, if you can keep it", I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) April 27th - CISPA Passes House, But I See Reasons For Optimism — Lessons From 2006 And How to COPE With A House Defeat. (Censorship Public and Private, How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 13th - Behind the Bobo (Imagination Sinkhole) (by Cheeseburger Brown) March 23rd - Trayvon Martin and Toulouse (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 22nd - My Insanely Long Field Guide To The Verizon/SpectrumCo/Cox Deal. (Cable, Media Ownership, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 16th - Heinäsirkka, heinäsirkka, mene täältä hiiteen — another economical reposting (General, infotainment, Memology, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) February 24th - Why Genachowski’s Cybersecurity Initiative Is So Radical (In A Good Way) (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 15th - Spectrum Auction Theory v. Competition Theory (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 14th - The Keystone XL Pipeline — A project IG-Farben would be proud of ("A Republic, if you can keep it", Firefighting, I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) February 13th - “A false sense of precision” (Wetware, Wetware and Hard Science) (by Peg.) February 10th - RIAA — Take Us Back To The Days of Illegal Price Fixing. (Fighting the IP Mafia, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 10th - Mr. Sherman’s Magical Thinking (Fighting the IP Mafia, How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 1st - AT&T, Anger Management and Spectrum Legislation (Life In The Sausage Factory, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 24th - The PIPA Aftermath — Will Senate Democrats Drive Off A Cliff For Hollywood? (Fighting the IP Mafia, How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 20th - An Astounding Week In PIPA/SOPA Comes To A Close (Fighting the IP Mafia, How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 19th - SOPASTRIKE The Day After (Fighting the IP Mafia, How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 18th - Let’s Go Steal Us the Internet (Incantations) (by Helen) January 18th - SOPABlackout And the “Internet Spring” (Fighting the IP Mafia, How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 17th - Teh Day Teh Lolcats Deaded (Fighting the IP Mafia, I Fear These Things, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 17th - A Not-So-Brief History of DNS Blocking — And Why It Sucks (Fighting the IP Mafia, I Fear These Things, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 15th - Wisconsin destroys a business ("A Republic, if you can keep it", Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) January 13th - Micro-Atrios Post to Say I’m Still Here and just you wait, because shit is fucked up & bullshit. ("A Republic, if you can keep it", General, I Fear These Things, Memology, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) January 5th - Smart Cities, Spectrum, and Senator Snowe — Will Any Republican Presidential Candidates Show Vision? (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold)
December 28th - Uncharted, Recharted, Charts Lost (Incantations) (by Helen) December 28th - The Internet Is For Porn — House of Representatives Version (Fighting the IP Mafia, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 23rd - The brain, the computer, and the economy (Wetware and Hard Science) (by Peg.) December 21st - Cyberpunk Pioneer John Jurek’s nanotech-powered programmable KaeLF Skin finally arrives (I Fear These Things, Memology, My Thoughts Exactly, Wetware, Writing) (by John) December 12th - My David Mitchell Cloud Atlas Problem (General, Memology, My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) December 9th - AT&T’s Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day In Court (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 2nd - That Was The Week That Was For AT&T/T-Mo. Is There A Next Week? (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 29th - The Republican FCC Reform Industry Doesn’t Want. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 26th - Writing Patterns (Incantations) (by Helen) November 21st - Thoughts on an Old Fire Truck of North Caldwell: Time, Ambition, Rust (Firefighting, General, My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) November 16th - Why The Eviction of Occupy Wall St. From Zuccotti Park Raised An Interesting First Amendment Question. ("A Republic, if you can keep it", Censorship Public and Private, How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 15th - My Insanely Long Field Guide To Cisco’s War On The TV White Spaces (Life In The Sausage Factory, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 13th - Disclose This (Inventing the Future, The Age of Imagination) (by Stearns) November 10th - When Flounders Unite, or I’m a “well-known author” (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) November 8th - Can People Please Stop Pretending That DoJ is Going To Settle in AT&T/T-Mo? (Life In The Sausage Factory, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 4th - The Sprint/C. Spire Skirmish: AT&T Loses Ground While DoJ Gets A Roadmap (Life In The Sausage Factory, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 2nd - Why DoJ’s Win Against H&R Block Is Bad News For AT&T/T-Mo. (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 28th - A Personal Reflection on the FCC’s USF/ICC Reform Order (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 26th - Comcast Unhappy With Free Market Title I Nirvana. Demands “Access Charges Bailout” But No Reg Oversight. (Cable, Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 26th - ( ) (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) October 24th - What Were They Thinking? (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) October 23rd - Well, That Was Weird (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) September 30th - Attention DEFCON planners! I’m your huckleberry! (My Thoughts Exactly, Software, Wetware, Writing) (by John) September 23rd - A Pocket Guide To What Happens Now That Network Neutrality Rules Are Officially Published. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 21st - Quick Thoughts on Today’s Status Hearing in United States v. AT&T (Life In The Sausage Factory, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 19th - Why AT&T Can’t Just Cut A Deal With Leap or MetroPCS and Call It A Day (Life In The Sausage Factory, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 5th - What’s At Stake in United Stated v. AT&T, Inc.? The Future of Antitrust. (Part I) (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 29th - Waiting for the Godot Interrupt Vector (General Exception, Software) (by Gary) August 29th - for thought (Inventing the Future, The Age of Imagination) (by Stearns) August 22nd - Forget The First Amendment, BART Messed With The Phone System. Violated CA and Federal Law. ("A Republic, if you can keep it", Censorship Public and Private, How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 17th - Strange Looping (My Thoughts Exactly, Software, Wetware, Writing) (by John) August 15th - A Brief History of Who I Am (Imagination Sinkhole) (by Cheeseburger Brown) August 12th - A Brief History of Who I’m Not (Imagination Sinkhole) (by Cheeseburger Brown) July 26th - CBO Scores The Senate Spectrum Bill (S.911): No Spectrum Pots of Gold — Really. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 25th - My Ghost Town (Imagination Sinkhole) (by Cheeseburger Brown) July 24th - These “Clouds” Have a Dark Lining (I Fear These Things, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) July 21st - PK Action Alert To Save the Future of Unlicensed Spectrum (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, I Fear These Things, Life In The Sausage Factory, Media Ownership, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 5th - The AT&T/T-Mobile Fine Print (Life In The Sausage Factory, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 3rd - One Word (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) June 30th - Virginia Foster Durr and the Salvation of Alabama ("A Republic, if you can keep it", I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) June 14th - My Insanely Long Field Guide to Lightsquared v. The GPS Guys (Life In The Sausage Factory, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 6th - Remembering Tom West, the Original Geek Rock Star (Hardware, Memology, My Thoughts Exactly, Software, Wetware, Writing) (by John) May 30th - Nag, Nag, Nag (General Exception, Software) (by Gary) April 20th - Cage Match! Late to his Own Funeral! (I Fear These Things, Memology, My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) April 19th - How the NAACP Saved America ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) April 16th - He wakes up, only to jump into deadly cage! (General, My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) April 7th - White House Makes Intelligent Case For Incentive Auctions. (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 7th - Here In Boston for National Conference on Media Reform (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 29th - Why Chairman Genachowski Should Appoint Commissioner Baker To Chair The Spectrum Task Force (Life In The Sausage Factory, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 27th - Babysitter (Imagination Sinkhole) (by Cheeseburger Brown) March 27th - Two-Fisted Tales of Spam Fighting (General Exception, Wetmachine site news) (by Gary) March 25th - The Community Broadband Fight In North Carolina (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 10th - The Seventh Rule — Chapter 7 (Imagination Sinkhole) (by Cheeseburger Brown) March 10th - Controlling Time: TeaTime (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) March 9th - The Seventh Rule — Chapter 6 (Imagination Sinkhole) (by Cheeseburger Brown) March 8th - Controlling Time: The Dial-tone for Cyberspace (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) March 8th - The Seventh Rule — Chapter 5 (Imagination Sinkhole) (by Cheeseburger Brown) March 7th - The Seventh Rule — Chapter 4 (Imagination Sinkhole) (by Cheeseburger Brown) March 6th - Controlling Time: Weapons of Math Destruction (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) March 5th - Controlling Time: What Have We Made? (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) March 4th - Controlling Time: Demoed (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) March 4th - Eleven Electric Lies & The Seventh Rule — Chapter 3 (Imagination Sinkhole) (by Cheeseburger Brown) March 3rd - Controlling Time: Done! (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) March 3rd - Controlling Time: Intro (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) March 3rd - The Seventh Rule—Chapter 2 (Imagination Sinkhole) (by Cheeseburger Brown) March 2nd - The Seventh Rule – Chapter 1 (Imagination Sinkhole) (by Cheeseburger Brown) March 2nd - The world’s best digital minds can’t be too bad (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) February 27th - Upcoming Speaking Events (Both on Net Neutrality) (Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 26th - Did someone just find a Kali chip? (General Exception, I Fear These Things) (by Gary) February 25th - How NCTA Protects Us From An Army of Lazy, Easily Frustrated Terrorists Inspired By “Family Guy.” (Cable, Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 22nd - How Dynamic Is The Mobile Internet Marketplace? Good Question. No, It Really Is A Good Question. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 22nd - Join Me For Lunch and Spectrum Policy At Senate 2-23-11 (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 17th - I Apologize To CTIA/CEA For Needless and Counterproductive Snark (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 11th - What To Expect From The National Broadband Map. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory, The Stimulus Package (ARRA)) (by Harold) February 8th - First Step Reforming FCC’s Universal Service Fund? An Honest Evaluation of the Goals and Trade offs. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 2nd - Why Did The White House Support Reallocating D Block? It’s Smart Politics. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 26th - What’s A POTUS SOTU Shout Out On Wireless Worth? (Life In The Sausage Factory, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 24th - What the DoJ Documents Tell Us About the Comcast/NBCU Merger (Cable, Life In The Sausage Factory, Media Ownership, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 10th - Three Potential Black Swans for Telecom 2011 (Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold)
December 20th - After 10 Years of Struggle, Low-Power FM Will Give Thousands of New Communities A Chance To Get Their Voices On The Air. (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, Media Ownership, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 10th - Take Two Tablets, Call Me in the Morning (Imagination Sinkhole) (by Cheeseburger Brown) December 1st - Why Network Neutrality Will Not Die (But It Doesn’t Mean We’ll Win, Either). (Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory, Uncategorized) (by Harold) November 7th - Did You Know This Election Turned On Network Neutrality? Why Washington Has Its Head Up Its Rear End. (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 3rd - Shallow Hiro / Deep Hiro (Inventing the Future, Memology) (by Stearns) October 29th - The Fox/Cablevision Retrans Mess And FCC Learned Helplessness — The Insanely Long Version (Cable, Life In The Sausage Factory, Media Ownership, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 25th - Turpentine, Popcorn and a Blue Handed Girl (Imagination Sinkhole) (by Cheeseburger Brown) October 19th - Augmented Reality Two-Step (I Fear These Things, Inventing the Future, The Age of Imagination) (by Stearns) October 15th - Teaser (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) October 15th - Genachowski Enters FCC In 12-Step Program To Stop Consumer Abuse (Cable, Life In The Sausage Factory, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 13th - DIY biotechnology (I Fear These Things, Wetware and Hard Science) (by Peg.) October 13th - An Artist-sans-Portfolio (Imagination Sinkhole) (by Cheeseburger Brown) October 9th - I’m OK! (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) October 8th - Sorry AT&T, Title II Would Not Require The FCC To Allow Paid Prioritization. (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory, Uncategorized) (by Harold) October 1st - Why you can’t login or comment using Facebook (General Exception, Wetmachine site news) (by Gary) September 24th - Without Television (Imagination Sinkhole) (by Cheeseburger Brown) September 21st - Vision (Inventing the Future, meta-medium) (by Stearns) September 20th - Live NMR of the Kali Chip? (Inventing the Future, The Age of Imagination) (by Stearns) September 18th - SNAFU (General Exception, Wetmachine site news) (by Gary) September 12th - I’ll give you something to tweet about, you stupid bird! (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) September 7th - Turnabout is fair play: Jane Friedman interviews me (Memology, My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) September 3rd - The FCC’s September Agenda: A Smarter, Tougher Genachowski? I Hope So. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory, Uncategorized) (by Harold) August 27th - Web dead? Some Reactions To Chris Anderson’s Wired Piece (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 24th - Self-aware programs? Fools rush in where wise men fear to tread. (My Thoughts Exactly, Software, Wetware, Writing) (by John) August 20th - What Dems Have To Lose If Genachowski Embraces The Latest “Net Neutrality Consensus.” (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory, Uncategorized) (by Harold) August 18th - I watch the ripples change their size (Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes) (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) August 4th - Smashwords founder Mark Coker talks to Wetmachine about the future of publishing (Memology, My Thoughts Exactly, Software, Uncategorized, Writing) (by John) August 3rd - Genachowski’s Fast Fading Star — And How He Can Still Salvage His Term As Chairman. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 30th - Update: House Drops Broadband Stimulus Cuts (Tales of the Sausage Factory, The Stimulus Package (ARRA)) (by Harold) July 28th - “I felt like I was in Church” (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly, Software, Wetware, Writing) (by John) July 26th - Why We Care About Broadband Policy, Not Competititon. (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory, Uncategorized) (by Harold) July 26th - Come On (Imagination Sinkhole) (by Cheeseburger Brown) July 18th - Who Let the President Have a Cell Phone? (I Fear These Things, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) July 18th - My Travel Schedule For The Next Two Weeks (General, I Fear These Things, Tales of the Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 14th - SXSW Dreaming (Hardware, My Thoughts Exactly, Software, Uncategorized, Writing) (by John) July 13th - Defcon Leaning (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) July 10th - Methane Gas bubble Doomsday Scenario courtesy Deepwater Horizon (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) July 9th - Ass over teakettle and a farewell to free ebooks (My Thoughts Exactly, Software, Uncategorized, Writing) (by John) July 7th - Pepsi & Me (Imagination Sinkhole) (by Cheeseburger Brown) July 5th - Persistence is Futile (Incantations, Random nonsense) (by Helen) July 5th - Tweaking the Wetmachine Shop (My Thoughts Exactly, Wetmachine site news, Writing) (by John) June 30th - Mobile Business Collaboration (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) June 26th - We’re trying to play nicely with others… (General Exception, Wetmachine site news) (by Gary) June 20th - Tech Changes Our Understanding of Ourselves (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) June 18th - What BITAG (and MCDowell) Can Learn From ICANN. (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 14th - Wanna get rich? (Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) June 14th - Attention Kurzweil Singularity Overmind Nanomachine Google ("A Republic, if you can keep it", Memology, My Thoughts Exactly, Wetware) (by John) May 25th - Wetmachine and dog walk into a bar. . . (Memology, My Thoughts Exactly, Wetmachine site news, Writing) (by John) May 23rd - I Will Be On Broadband US TV This Tursday, May 27. (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 20th - DNA Robots — another “Acts” technology sighting (I Fear These Things, Memology, My Thoughts Exactly, Wetware) (by John) May 12th - When Is the Truth Wrong? (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) May 3rd - Public Knowledge IP3 Awards Nominations Open (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 28th - Status report on Wetmachine crossover (My Thoughts Exactly, Wetmachine site news) (by John) April 28th - I Testify Tomorrow On Set-Top Boxes (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 24th - Zed (Imagination Sinkhole) (by Cheeseburger Brown) April 19th - Brevity is the soul (Incantations) (by Helen) April 19th - This I Believe (Inventing the Future, Writing) (by Stearns) April 18th - We’re Back (General Exception, My Thoughts Exactly) (by Gary) April 11th - In the End (Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) April 9th - Revision Control (Incantations) (by Helen) March 27th - Proficiently Enhanced (Incantations) (by Helen) March 23rd - Taking a flyer (My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 21st - Sufficiently Advanced (Incantations) (by Helen) March 21st - Incanting Incantations (Incantations, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 16th - Heinäsirkka, heinäsirkka, mene täältä hiiteen (My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 15th - How to sell a million copies of your novel (My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 13th - The Authority (Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) March 12th - What's in my wallet, part two (My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 10th - Alan Grayson's simple proposition (My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 10th - A Quick Addendum To My AWS-2/AWS-3 Prediction (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 9th - USTR 301 Comments: Crashing the IP Mafia's Party (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 6th - Oh. Canada. (Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) March 4th - R.I.P. Jon Swift — a good man gone (Memology, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 2nd - Taking the Red Pill (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) February 28th - Situation Room (Inventing the Future, workflow) (by Stearns) February 26th - Dial Tone (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) February 25th - Richard Bennett Invites Me To A Panel On Tuesday March 2 (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 24th - Forty Years of thought provocation (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) February 24th - Sit Down and Shut Up (Inventing the Future, workflow) (by Stearns) February 23rd - Incumbents Bring Tea Party Tactics To Title II Reclasification Fight. (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 22nd - Asset Risk (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) February 20th - Meeting DVR (Inventing the Future, meta-medium) (by Stearns) February 14th - Virtual Events (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) February 14th - Vinge Vision (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) February 10th - Entering the E-book age, kicking and screaming (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) February 8th - Perfect Day for Banana Man (Memology, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) February 3rd - Wireless Bureau Wisely Decides To Not Play Referee In 3.65 GHz Band (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 2nd - Of a Fire in Christiantown (Firefighting, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) January 27th - Genachowski's Remarks At Auschwitz (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 26th - What's in my wallet, Part One (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) January 21st - Corporatist Dawn (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) January 20th - MA Elects Public Access Programmer To U.S. Senate (Cable, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 14th - Last day to get your comments to the FCC about Net Neutrality ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) January 11th - Does Comcast Fear To Win Too Much? (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 11th - Net Neutrality as “Public Option”? and “Fourth Amendment”? ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) January 7th - Tom Disch's God that Failed (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) January 7th - You Must Read These Books Because I Said So (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) January 5th - Revolutions 2010: Booklife Unbound (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) January 5th - Because You Can (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) January 4th - Fairpoint Tries To Scuttle Maine Broadband Stimulus Grant (Tales of the Sausage Factory, The Stimulus Package (ARRA)) (by Harold)
December 31st - So Did Anything Actually Happen In Telecom In 2009? And What That Means for 2010. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 25th - Merry Christmas and Boosting Creative Commons License (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 21st - Susan Crawford and the Spirit of Cincinatus (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 18th - Zappadan for Christmas! (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) December 5th - Bernie Sanders puts hold on Bernanke nomination ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) December 2nd - An Open Letter To Blair Levin On The Subject of National Broadband Public Notices (Tales of the Sausage Factory, The Stimulus Package (ARRA)) (by Harold) November 26th - Book Trailer: Going West, by Maurice Gee (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) November 13th - Be the Geekoid Novelist's Guest on Martha's Vineyard (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) November 10th - The beatings will continue until morale improves (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) November 7th - Further Adventures in Self-Publishing (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) November 5th - Losing Maine: An “Elijah Moment” For The Same Sex Marriage Movement. (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 2nd - Will Comcast/NBC Need FCC Approval? And How Would That Play Out? (Media Ownership, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 30th - Roland the Robot explains how publishing works today (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) October 29th - As Maine Goes . . . . (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 27th - Speaking This Thursday At Arts & Labs (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 25th - Only You Can Save Creation Science (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) October 23rd - More Good News From Canada, This Time On Copyright (Fighting the IP Mafia, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 23rd - Going to court against the mini-robots (General Exception, I Fear These Things) (by Gary) October 22nd - Canada Adopts Comcast/Bitorrent Standard For Network Management (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 20th - Creation Science has been Kickstarted (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) October 19th - Proposed Wireless NN Rule “No Block, But Not No Lock?” (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 18th - St. Cloud Muni System Saved by Citizen Users — “Waste” or “Success.” (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 11th - How to Think (Inventing the Future, workflow) (by Stearns) October 10th - Does this mean we can win the Nobel Prize? (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) October 6th - Scott Cleland Needs To Work Harder On Ad Hominems. Or, better yet, skip them entirely. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 6th - Start me up? Please? (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) October 5th - Roman Polanski, you pig, I hope you enjoy your mashed potatoes (General, I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) October 5th - A Brief Nod To Cox For Raising Its Bandwidth Caps (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 3rd - That's when I reach for my… (General, General Exception) (by Gary) October 2nd - летающий фаллос and the New Wild West (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) October 1st - Speakeasy now blocks calls — this is getting serious. (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 30th - Where We've Been (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) September 27th - The Colony (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) September 27th - A Brief Response To Richard Bennett's New Paper (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 25th - AT&T Falls Back on “It's All About Google” Strategy (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 24th - Net Neutrality Nearer? Maybe ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) September 23rd - The Treachery of Names (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) September 21st - Under the Radar (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) September 20th - Project Collaboration at Intel (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) September 20th - Operations Center +1 (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) September 19th - Julie/Julia/Johnny (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) September 18th - For the catty author in all of us… (General Exception, infotainment-general-exception) (by Gary) September 17th - Will The DC Circuit Pull The Plug On Program Access? (Cable, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 16th - The oddly bee-obsessed Neuromancer movie posters (General, General Exception) (by Gary) September 15th - Benchmarks and the Broadband Ecology. (Tales of the Sausage Factory, The Stimulus Package (ARRA)) (by Harold) September 14th - Blue Gal & the Future of the Mashup Video (Memology, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) September 10th - Obama's plan: Another corporate bailout? ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) September 9th - Comcast Channel Shifts — Looking for info. (Cable, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 9th - Robert Reich Makes Best Public Option Video I've Seen To Date. (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 9th - mail to addresses (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) September 5th - IRoSF gets Pained (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) September 3rd - Google My House (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) August 29th - Discrimination Fades? Who Do You Want to Be Today? (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) August 29th - Hey Verizon: You hijack my url, I hijack your customer support (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) August 28th - Hanging out on Martha’s Vineyard with Barack & Michelle ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) August 22nd - On Writing (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) August 19th - Vuze: the new Gator (My Thoughts Exactly, Software) (by John) August 17th - Whether Obama Will Fight For Public Option Is Irrelevant. The Question Is, Will We? ("A Republic, if you can keep it", Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 16th - VW on the Web (Inventing the Future, workflow) (by Stearns) August 12th - Awesom Newsom (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) July 31st - Libby Beaty Memorial Fund (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 23rd - Why Do People Hate “Free” So Much? (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 20th - Support Low Power Radio: Call Your Representative Today! (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 18th - “Goldman Sachs are scum” — Max Keiser, my new hero ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) July 18th - Duck ("A Republic, if you can keep it", Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) July 17th - Attention Geeks: Free books! (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) July 14th - CellAntenna Scam Continues To Gain Momentum — Bummer. (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 13th - Further Adventures of a literary nobody (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) July 11th - What's in a name?: Application Collaboration (Inventing the Future, meta-medium) (by Stearns) July 10th - Speechless (Memology, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) July 10th - Fun Event On Capital Hill Next Monday: I Take On The Neocons On BB Policy (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 8th - My Latest 5 Minutes: The Newspaper's Lame Blame Game (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 7th - I Have Fun On CNBC: “Antitrust Is the Best Stimulus.” (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 6th - DOJ May Investigate Telco Market Power: The Dawn of a New Paradigm For Antitrust? (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 2nd - It's time for the NOFA Awards! (Tales of the Sausage Factory, The Stimulus Package (ARRA)) (by Harold) July 2nd - Looking for my inner Billy Mays (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) June 30th - When worlds collide (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) June 30th - An Appreciation For Commissioner Adelstein (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 29th - What's New? (Inventing the Future, workflow) (by Stearns) June 21st - NOW they get it. NOW they don't. (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) June 14th - Firefighter Porn (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) June 14th - QRLs are not SLurls … but they play that role on the 'Net. (Inventing the Future, workflow) (by Stearns) June 7th - Places, Everyone! (Inventing the Future, workflow) (by Stearns) June 6th - A glimpse of The Eagle in flight (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) June 5th - Big Low Power FM Win! (Media Ownership, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 4th - Being Seen (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) June 4th - Oh, those witty JP Morgan Guys, Pissing on Little Timmy Geithner ("A Republic, if you can keep it", Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 2nd - 3D vs 2D for Legacy Applications (Inventing the Future, meta-medium) (by Stearns) May 31st - Drum Machines (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) May 30th - Being There (Inventing the Future, workflow) (by Stearns) May 29th - Goal! (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) May 27th - Very Interesting Map Of Comments In BB Stimulus Proceeding (Tales of the Sausage Factory, The Stimulus Package (ARRA)) (by Harold) May 27th - A Great Miracle Happened There (Inventing the Future, workflow) (by Stearns) May 25th - Subsumption Assumption (Inventing the Future, meta-medium) (by Stearns) May 23rd - Hanging Out in the Lobby (Inventing the Future, meta-medium) (by Stearns) May 22nd - Do it yourself publlishing — R.W. Ridley style (My Thoughts Exactly, Wetware) (by John) May 21st - Sounds Good (Inventing the Future, meta-medium) (by Stearns) May 20th - Philadelphia Enquirer adds Michael Vick as columnist (infotainment, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) May 19th - Time Shifting (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) May 19th - Painful Kindlization (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) May 18th - FCC Begins Inquiry Into Arbitron Portable People Meter (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 17th - True and False (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) May 14th - What We Learn From the VZ-Frontier Deal (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 12th - One *trillion* dollars for Dr. Evil Hank-Tim Paulson-Geithner ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) May 12th - Leg Locked (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) May 7th - Among the BioInformaticians (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) May 6th - Ah, Capitalism (infotainment, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) May 6th - Going somewhere? (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) May 5th - Happy Birthday, Pete! ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) May 3rd - Republican Bill To Reform FCC Not A Bad Place To Start Discussions. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 1st - Will the Internets Become Sentient? (General Exception, Hardware) (by Gary) April 27th - Are we there yet? (Inventing the Future, meta-medium) (by Stearns) April 23rd - Good Article in WASHPO by Cecilia Kang on Rural Broadband (Tales of the Sausage Factory, The Stimulus Package (ARRA)) (by Harold) April 23rd - 2.0 Sees the Light of Day (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) April 20th - Congratulations to Gene Kimmelman, and to the American People. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 16th - What they're reading in Stuckeyville (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) April 16th - Books that rock (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) April 14th - Democrats killing Net Neutrality? ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) April 12th - When the Money Gods fall silent, what will become of their priests? ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) April 11th - Should progressives trust Obama and his administration? ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) April 10th - Break up the banks ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) April 9th - Hey, when I named this blog “Wetmachine” I was joking, OK? (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) April 8th - More on robbing the poor & the working class to pay the rich ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) April 7th - So How's That Time Warner Bandwidth Cap Working Out? (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 1st - Could have been written by John himself (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) March 31st - Can RUS Turn $2.5 Bn to $25 Bn? Loan Gaurantees May Work Better Than Loans or Grants. (Tales of the Sausage Factory, The Stimulus Package (ARRA)) (by Harold) March 31st - psssst! Bank run on Bank of America, May 5 2009 ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 25th - Exercise (Obama as Delilah) ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 24th - Spectrum Inventory: “Same Bed, Different Dreams.” (Life In The Sausage Factory, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 22nd - Adelstein To Go To RUS, But When? (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 21st - Question for Mr. Obama ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 20th - Barack Obama, chump ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 18th - Newsom/Christie: Images to Sounds: Hear to There (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 17th - Somewhere, Philip K. Dick is smiling (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 17th - Suomi go Brágh! again (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 17th - I Join Public Knowledge As Legal Director (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 14th - Crisis of Credit (Inventing the Future, meta-medium) (by Stearns) March 10th - Attention E-Tech Infidels! (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) March 5th - Deja Vu All Over Again in Pennsylvania. (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 2nd - Everybody Get Your DUNS! And Why Grants.Gov Needs An Extreme Makeover. (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 2nd - Living in the Strange Loop (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) March 1st - And so it goes and so it goes and so it goes (infotainment, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) February 24th - Quick Note Re: Century/Embarq (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 20th - A minor administrative detail . . . (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 20th - The Decline of the Chattering Class and the Rise of the Discussion Class. (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 15th - Dave Sez: “It's raining, and I can't watch Charlie Brown in HD.” (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 15th - Riddle (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) February 14th - What I did with Tea Time (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) February 11th - Update: Apology to Craig Settles (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 11th - Public Service Announcement for Public Knowledge ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by John) February 9th - Understanding What The Broadband Stimulus Does, and What It Doesn't Try To do. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 8th - Negative Interest Loans? (Inventing the Future, Memology) (by Stearns) February 8th - We lost our house yesterday. (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) February 7th - What's wrong with this fracking blog (My Thoughts Exactly, Wetmachine site news) (by John) February 4th - Toe-tappingly depressing (General Exception, infotainment-general-exception) (by Gary) February 3rd - Blogroll amnesty day redux (My Thoughts Exactly, Wetmachine site news) (by John) January 31st - The Pains: A Book For Our Times (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) January 29th - R/C Bugs! (General Exception, Hardware) (by Gary) January 28th - Class warfare (a brief update) ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) January 22nd - Big Congratulations To Copps on Being Named Acting (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 20th - Inauguration ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) January 16th - A Quick Note On The Departure of Kevin Martin (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 15th - Very Good News On Broadband Stimulus — I Get My Herring! (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 13th - I Called It! w00t! w00t! (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 13th - When the Germans bombed Peal Harbor (My Thoughts Exactly, Wetmachine site news) (by John) January 10th - Vote for the Future (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) January 8th - Markey To Leave Telecom Subcommittee (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 7th - RIPE Makes Me Vaguely Uneasy By Creating Legal Market For IP Addresses. (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 7th - R U a G33K? (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) January 7th - Matt Stoller joins the Ranks of Progressive Elders of Policy (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 6th - We Are Finalists for the 2008 Weblog Best Technology Blog! Go us! (General, My Thoughts Exactly, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 6th - Materially Objective (Inventing the Future, meta-medium) (by Stearns) January 3rd - Revolutions and Resolutions and Revolutions (My Thoughts Exactly, Wetmachine site news) (by John) January 2nd - Farewell to Commissioner Deborah Tate (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold)
December 26th - My Simple Net Neutrality Fix. (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 24th - Why Lary Lessig's FCC Reboot Will Crash. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 23rd - Note to Obama Administration: Please Reform the NTIA-ICANN Relationship. (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 22nd - The Mother of All Demos (Inventing the Future, The Age of Imagination) (by Stearns) December 20th - What are laws for? ("A Republic, if you can keep it", Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) December 17th - Vista Performance (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) December 15th - Publishing: A “New Yorker” for the 21st Century (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) December 13th - In your face (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) December 8th - Changes for Media Access Project, And For Me Personally. (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 1st - Context is King (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) November 30th - What Next For The FCC? Beats the Heck Out of Me — So I'll Just Describe the Terrain. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 29th - Five for Talking (Inventing the Future, meta-medium) (by Stearns) November 27th - Validation In Depth (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) November 26th - Hey, Dan Grabauskas (General, General Exception) (by Gary) November 24th - Apparently, I Am Even Less Influential Than I Thought . . . . (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 24th - Dogbark wisdom ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) November 21st - Bill Gates Last Day (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) November 20th - It's Almost Like Colbert Reads This Blog . . . . (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 17th - Guest Post: Bailout Or Bust (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 16th - Read THE PAINS or I will shoot you in the face (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) November 16th - What Do You Want to Do Today? (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) November 16th - Update: Cable Cos Respond, FCC Reviewing. (Cable, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 14th - Obama FCC Transition Team Now Includes Totally AWESOME Additions!!!! (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 11th - Veterans of the Peace Corps (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) November 11th - Matt Stoller Interviews Me Over On OpenLeft (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 6th - A Promising First Step (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 5th - As Long As We're On An Electoral Roll . . . . (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 4th - W00T!!! W00T!!! (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 4th - And now the moment we've all been waiting for WHITE SPACES (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 4th - 2:30 P.M., Still No Meeting . . . . (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 3rd - Why I Love The Obama Campaign — Les MisBarack (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 3rd - The Way Out (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) October 31st - How Fox News Killed The Bradley Effect (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 30th - Worshippers of the Gods of the Marketplace Get A Little Too Literal (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 30th - McCain Campaign Wusses Out On NAF Tech Smackdown. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 28th - Record Now Officially Closed In White Spaces, Mergers, USF. (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 26th - Voting and the Emergent Value of Presence (Brie, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) October 25th - Wealth Transfer ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) October 23rd - Wah! Why Can't *I* be Michael Pollan?? (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) October 18th - Ah, Capitalism, er, Socialism, er, Paulsonism? ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) October 16th - Will The FCC Create An ICANN for White Spaces? (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 13th - I hate software (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) October 10th - Building Software the 21st Century Way! (My Thoughts Exactly, Software) (by John) October 9th - Nation of swine ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) October 8th - Long Strange Trip (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) October 4th - Killer App (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) September 29th - A Happy New Year From The Kosher Contingent In The Sausage Factory (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 26th - Waxman Gets It Right On USF Reform –Use Subsidies To Open Networks. (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 26th - Deja Vu all over again ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) September 25th - We've got it covered ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) September 25th - Run the banks? ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) September 25th - No Deal, Charles ("A Republic, if you can keep it", Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) September 24th - I support the Bernie Sanders Plan ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) September 23rd - Help Hank Paulson by helping yourself to the bailout ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) September 23rd - Cuddle up baby; cuddle up tight ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) September 22nd - Happy OneWeb Day! (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 22nd - ESPN360.Com Locks Up It's Content — Let The Fragmentation Games Begin! (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 22nd - Bush and Paulson to Nation: “UP AGAINST THE WALL, MOTHERFUCKERS!!” ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) September 20th - No deal ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) September 19th - Ayn Rand in Heaven (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) September 18th - This Is Ready From Day 1? (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 16th - McCain Invented the Blackberry? Maybe Not, But It May Make A Good Symbol. (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 16th - Shitpile Schadenfreude (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) September 16th - Happy News from the War on Terror (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) September 15th - The FCC and the Flying Purple People Meter. (Media Ownership, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 15th - Footnote to Harold: Media Dynamics 101 (infotainment, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) September 14th - The Attack on Oprah: A Case Study Of The Strategies of the Conservative Noise Machine. (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 9th - Comcast Wins Lottery on BitTorrent Appeal. (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 8th - Fresh Kills Park Project: Landfill as Utopia? (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by David) September 7th - Leveraging Law & Order For Cell Phone Jamming. (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 7th - The Other Road Ahead (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) September 5th - The McCain Tech Policy In Action! (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 5th - Jesus Obama comments on Community Organizing ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) September 5th - My Invitation Must Have Been Blocked Or Degraded. (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 4th - “Jesus Was A Community Organizer, Pontious Pilate Was A Governor.” ("A Republic, if you can keep it", Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 4th - If I Love The FCC's Comcast-BitTorrent Order So Much, Why Did I Appeal It? (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 4th - I Guess Republicans Think Community Organizing Is Funny. (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 2nd - What's a Server? (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) September 1st - John McCain thinks VP Palin will be a great asset (infotainment, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) August 30th - Nothing Like a Fire To Make You Popular.. (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by David) August 30th - Computer-Generated News (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) August 28th - Rarely Do I Catch The Daily Show In A Factual Error . . . (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 27th - Tropic Thunder's “Retard” Problem (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by David) August 26th - Blogging From Denver: A Tent Full Of Cuddly Bloggers. (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 22nd - What Does US News and World Reports Know Anyway? (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 22nd - Oy (My Thoughts Exactly, Wetmachine site news) (by John) August 21st - A Star is Born! (infotainment, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) August 21st - The Dilettante's 2 “Green” Cents (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by David) August 21st - Credit where it's Due ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) August 20th - The FCC Releases the Comcast Complaint Order Part I — Why This Is A Huge Win. (Cable, Censorship Public and Private, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 19th - Off to Big Tent In Denver Next Week. (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 19th - The Difference Between Free Market Conservatives and Worshippers of the Gods of the Marketplace. ("A Republic, if you can keep it", General, How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 18th - Fan mail from a flounder? (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) August 15th - Rat Brains Redux! (My Thoughts Exactly, Wetware) (by John) August 15th - Esurance Assumes We're Stupid (Econoklastic, General) (by Greg) August 15th - The McCain Tech Policy Part II: Why McCain Can’t Fix The “Mercedes Divide?” (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 14th - McCain Tech Policy — A First Reaction (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 12th - Mr. Moffett, I Thought You Said Cable Was Vibrantly Competitive? (Cable, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 8th - Questions, Questions, Questions (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) July 30th - Really Getting Away From It All for Bit. (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 30th - Boring (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) July 29th - Something Nice About Comcast for a Change (Cable, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 29th - Cable Lobbying and the “All Things Orange” Rule. (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 28th - Kevin Martin, champion of Net Neutrality? ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) July 23rd - Omnivorous Hippies (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) July 21st - Comcast Not On Notice? They Were Told Point Blank! (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 17th - Deep Thought about the New Yorker Cover (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) July 16th - Shocking News! Rich People Cheat! ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) July 11th - FISA Reflections: FISA and The FCC (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 11th - I Suggest Giving Comcast What It Asks For . . . . Heh, Heh, Heh . . . . (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 11th - Life imitates art: Shark Attack! edition (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) July 9th - An Interesting Tea Leaf on AWS-3/M2Z (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 9th - Jesse Helms has died. (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) July 9th - The words seem oddly familiar. . . ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) July 6th - A Sad Day for Brave Little Toasters Everywhere. (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 1st - Jail……………………………….Break! (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) June 28th - Going to California With… (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) June 26th - Woof! Arf! Bark! Bark! Arf! Woof! Woof! Woof! (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) June 23rd - Last MAP Innovation '08 Panel Wed. Jun 25. (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 23rd - Rather Trivial In the Scheme of Things, But Trivial Is What The News Has Become. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 21st - MONARCHY RESTORATION ACT PASSES IN US HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES! ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) June 19th - The Final FISA Sellout and My One Last Desperate Push for Sanity (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 19th - Noble Cause update: “Kick their ass and take their gas” ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) June 18th - The UK Broadband Infrastructure And the Debate We Should Be Having. (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 17th - Things you cun't say on television (John McCain edition) (infotainment, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) June 16th - Tell Me Again How Professional Journalists Have Higher Standards Than Us Mere Bloggers. (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 14th - The dickwads at the Associated Press (infotainment, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) June 11th - “tense unrelenting fear and dread. . .” (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) June 6th - G-WORD, Updates and Corrections… (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by David) June 6th - Back In the NCMR: Pappa Bear Comes To Town! (Media Ownership, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 5th - Back in the N-C, Back in the N-C, Back in the N-C-M-R! (Media Ownership, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 4th - I Dabble in Fair Use Parody: What Would Hilary Clinton Do. (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 1st - The Best Thing (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) May 31st - I predict a mini-rapture (Inventing the Future, Memology) (by Stearns) May 30th - Why Jonathan Adelstein Totally Rocks! (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 24th - Da5id's Vision (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) May 23rd - Leased Access Reform Hits A Major Speed Bump. (Cable, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 22nd - The Most Important Wireless Conference of the Year — IS4CWN '08 (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 21st - You Have Visitors! (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) May 21st - Cablevision’s WiFi Roll Out — A Wireless Plan B? (Cable, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 18th - Testing 1, 2, 3. Check. Check. …. Waiter?! (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) May 15th - Internet Radio Danger Deja Vu all over again ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) May 14th - D Block Rides Again! And the NPRM Is Already Released! (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 13th - Getting back to our paranoid rootz: The Palfrey “suicide” (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) May 12th - For Whom The Bell Tolls…. (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by David) May 12th - The happenin' place to be today in San Jose (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) May 11th - We have an industry (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) May 9th - And People Ask Me Why I Don't “Trust the Market . . . .” (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 6th - This Guy Should Get a Medal… (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by David) May 5th - Worsht Ex Parte Ever: I Gloat Over Latest D.C. Cir. Case on a Procedural Point (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 5th - MAP Brings DC To The Valley (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 5th - What Does Cablevision Want With Newsday? And Should I Care? (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 2nd - Atrios dogbark blogging (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) May 1st - McBush McSame, mcJohn McCain! (infotainment, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) April 29th - Paging Hospital Techies: You Have Bigger Worries Than White Spaces (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 28th - Sense of Place (Inventing the Future, meta-medium) (by Stearns) April 27th - Anti-Shame League holds its annual bash ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) April 26th - Democratic People's Republic of Massachusettsistan ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) April 25th - It's Always Nice When The FCC Listens (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 25th - Everyone in the Pool (I Fear These Things, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) April 25th - NAFTA, New Orleans and pageants of fake democracy ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) April 23rd - Inventing the Present (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) April 21st - Attention Howard Stearns ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) April 20th - Men After My Own Heart… (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by David) April 17th - My Testimony From Today (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 17th - One man is but a pale imitation of the worst president in US history ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) April 16th - White Spaces and the CTIA Game Changer (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 15th - Update: My Testimony from the Hearing (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 15th - Why you can't split D Block and PSST (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 14th - Empire Burlesque ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) April 14th - Swell Fire (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by David) April 14th - NEWSFLASH! West Coast Dilettante David Newsom to join Wetmachine (My Thoughts Exactly, Wetmachine site news) (by John) April 14th - Weekend Update (My Thoughts Exactly, Wetmachine site news) (by John) April 13th - This Week I Get My Wonk On, Next Week I Am A Free Man. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 13th - Why Obama is Wrong Even When He's Right (Econoklastic, General) (by Greg) April 11th - 700 MHz: Breaking the C Block Package (Econoklastic, General) (by Greg) April 9th - Left Behind is Right Behind (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) April 8th - McBush Clarifies “100 Years” remark (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) April 6th - Brief Cyren Call Update (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 4th - Link your brain to the brain of megacorporation, inc (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) April 2nd - if u cn rd ths u cn lrn bobblespeak (infotainment, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) April 2nd - 700 MHz Aftermath: What Does The EchoStar Win Mean? (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 2nd - I got only one question for you guys (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 30th - A Fatal Exception Has Occured In Your White Spaces Sensing Device (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 27th - Everybody Knows the Story! Everybody Feels Real Sorry! (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 27th - The Treachery of Images (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) March 26th - Tell Me About The Rabbits, George (General, General Exception) (by Gary) March 26th - Brief Update On $16 Billion Termites (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 25th - 700 MHz Aftermath: Verizon, AT&T & the $16 Billion Termites. (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 24th - Google Makes A White Spaces Concession. (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 19th - Cindy Sheehan's Question ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 19th - Yo Google! Your Lawyers Are So Stupid, They Copy AT&T! (Censorship Public and Private, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 19th - Quick 700 MHz Updates (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 17th - SCOTUS Gets Down & Dirty with Indecency! (Censorship Public and Private, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 17th - Mungo Jerry and the Bear Stearns implosion (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 16th - Suomi go Brágh! (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 13th - A Clarification From George Ou and Richard Bennett. (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 13th - I Debate The Would-Be Vulcans (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 12th - Kirkland College Requiem (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) March 12th - March virtually in Tiananmen Square today (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) March 12th - “Online Free Expresson Day” from Reporters Without Borders ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 11th - Multi-Scale (Inventing the Future, meta-medium) (by Stearns) March 11th - I am shocked, shocked that Bush continues to build Total Surveillance State ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 10th - Where's the goddamn Magna Carta when you need it? ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 9th - Cobalt (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) March 7th - Comcast to Illinois: I loves Me The Market Power! (Cable, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 6th - And the Wheels Fell Off… (Econoklastic, General) (by Greg) March 5th - NEWSFLASH: Republicans pick McBush! (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 4th - And Now for Something Completely Different . . . . (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 4th - The Boston Tea Leaf Party (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 3rd - If Both Survive the Lirpa , We Will Continue With The Ahn'woon. (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 27th - For the Clueless Among Us: Why Comcast Paying Folks to Attend FCC Hearing Is Wrong. (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 26th - Senator Pryror Angry At Right Problem, But Picks Wrong Solution. (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 26th - The FCC holds a hearing on Net Neutrality, and YOU! ARE! THERE! ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) February 24th - What a dork (Memology, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) February 24th - And Now for D Block (Econoklastic, General) (by Greg) February 24th - McCain and the Dirty Deed (Econoklastic, General) (by Greg) February 23rd - No, I Don't Know Anything About the McCain Story. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 23rd - John McCain & Vicki Iseman: So FCC policy *is* sexy? Who knew! (infotainment, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) February 21st - 700 MHz Auction: Whither The D Block? (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 20th - Great moments in fair and balanced infotainment (infotainment, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) February 20th - The Pity Is That It's True (Econoklastic, General) (by Greg) February 19th - More Culture Jamming (Inventing the Future, Memology) (by Stearns) February 16th - Footnote to Howl (infotainment, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) February 15th - Olbermann On FISA (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 15th - Attack of the Killer Beets! (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) February 13th - “Comedy stylings of a libertarian blowhard” (infotainment, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) February 13th - Thought for the day ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) February 12th - A Black Day For The Rule of Law (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 12th - Cable Operators Shocked…Shocked I Tell You…about Verizon Marketing Practices. (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 12th - The endorsement Barack's been waiting for! ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) February 12th - Divining the deep implications of the writers' strike (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) February 11th - Go Writers Guild! (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 10th - The Innovation Engine (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) February 9th - Romney Bows Out ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) February 9th - Windows on XO (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) February 8th - 700 MHz: When Will it End (Econoklastic, General) (by Greg) February 6th - Hypothesis: Why Limbaugh, Coulter et al are renouncing McCain (infotainment, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) February 6th - Comcast Reacts To FCC Probe By Changing Fine Print (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 5th - My defiant “that'll show 'em” vote, 2008 ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) February 5th - Why I Have Decided To Endorse Obama. (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 5th - Bob Knight retires (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) February 4th - 700 MHz: Oops (Econoklastic, General) (by Greg) February 2nd - Chutzpah, Thy Name Is Wireless Incumbent. (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 31st - 700 MHz: Beating the AWS-1 $/MHz/Pop (Econoklastic, General) (by Greg) January 31st - Have The Senate Democrats Finally Learned? (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 31st - Our stupid discourse (infotainment, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) January 30th - 700 MHz: The C Block Minuet (Econoklastic, General) (by Greg) January 30th - Basis for a Ziggy Stardust Sequel? (General Exception, I Fear These Things) (by Gary) January 30th - Huckabee's Prosperity Gospel (Memology, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) January 28th - I, John: One citizen's official response to the State of the Union speech ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) January 28th - Looks like Clinton and Obama are stepping up ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) January 27th - Not Giving Up On The Great Google Prophecy (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 26th - Anybody want to set up a torrent of my books? (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) January 26th - Definitely Not Smarter Than the Average Bear (Econoklastic, General) (by Greg) January 26th - Sex and the SimCity? (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) January 24th - Who… are you? (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) January 24th - UPDATE ON CYREN CALL (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 24th - Blogroll Jubilee! (My Thoughts Exactly, Wetmachine site news) (by John) January 23rd - Did Morgan OBrien and Cyren Call Kill Frontline? (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 23rd - “The Medium is the Message” (Inventing the Future, meta-medium) (by Stearns) January 23rd - DNA, it's not just for genetics any more (Wetware, Wetware and Hard Science) (by Peg.) January 23rd - Obama, Clinton, Edwards and all the other authoritarian Republicans ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) January 21st - Noosifixes spotted in the wild! (General, General Exception) (by Gary) January 20th - Everybody Lies (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) January 18th - “Who would've thought…it figures” (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) January 18th - An expensive way to learn elementary-school civics ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) January 18th - Cleland's “Common Sense.” (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 16th - And counting! (My Thoughts Exactly, Wetmachine site news) (by John) January 16th - Oh Canda! Lessons for My Native Land. (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 15th - Dave Sez: AT&T Are [Bleep!] (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 15th - Follow Up On MI PEG Lawsuit (Cable, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 15th - DOA RIAs: Curl, OpenLaszlo and Web 2.0 Noir (My Thoughts Exactly, Software) (by John) January 12th - Intel, OLPC, and Croquet (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) January 11th - There's Patriotism, But Then There's Cash (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 10th - Of Legitimacy, Paper Trails, and the Power of The Blogosphere: The Clinton/Diebold Episode (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 8th - On Blogging, and on the costs of war (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) January 8th - We Interrupt This CES Convention For A Breaking 700 MHz News Item (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 8th - Breaking News: Frontline Bites the Dust (Econoklastic, General) (by Greg) January 5th - And Croquet is good for the environment, too! (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) January 4th - Iowa, oh Iowa, Iowa, Ooooohhh Iowa (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 3rd - 2008 Revolutions (My Thoughts Exactly, Wetmachine site news) (by John)
December 30th - Part IIa — Who's Who in 700 MHz: the New Entrants (Econoklastic, General) (by Greg) December 24th - Defending Peter Nickles (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 20th - A Plug For My Friends At WIMN (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 20th - Reform Week At the FCC — And Why Letting In The Public Is Better (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 19th - Second Law Makes Itself Known to Wetmachine (My Thoughts Exactly, Wetmachine site news) (by John) December 14th - The Consistency of Kevin Martin and the Faith Based FCC (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 12th - I Can't Take Credit For It, But I Did Think of It First…. (Media Ownership, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 12th - Hmm. . . maybe Huckabee *is* the one! ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) December 8th - I support the WGA (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) December 5th - Jenny Toomey Takes Over At Ford to Replace Becky Lentz — Excellent! (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 5th - Nothing Like Biting Industry On The Ass To Get Republicans Hot For Process (Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 2nd - ROCK STAR ! Whether you like it or not, you are one! (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) December 2nd - Jabberwocking the Fundies (Memology, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) November 30th - Cable Ownership Limits: This Is The Jonathan Adelstein I know (Cable, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 28th - eShrek (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) November 28th - A slice off the old epidermis. (Wetware, Wetware and Hard Science) (by Peg.) November 27th - Bad Day at the FCC on Cable (Cable, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 25th - i finger gadgets (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) November 24th - Maturity (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) November 22nd - Why I Celebrate Thanksgiving (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 19th - Well, Yeah, Actually, I Am Gloating… (Econoklastic, General) (by Greg) November 15th - Action Alert: Senate Judiciary Mark Up On FISA — Call To Oppose Telco Immunity (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 14th - Lies, Damned Lies, and Understatements (Econoklastic, General) (by Greg) November 11th - Self-destruction of a monster? (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) November 9th - Salon loves them some Sundman! (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) November 8th - My Brothers In Pakistan (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 6th - The Pains go on, and on, and on (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) November 1st - Put Up Or Shut Up At the FCC on Net Neutrality “Principles” (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 1st - When the writer strikes! (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) October 29th - The Best Senator Money Can Buy (Econoklastic, General) (by Greg) October 29th - So Much For All That “We Are A Nation of Laws” Stuff . . . . (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 29th - On the open-sourcing of OpenLaszlo (My Thoughts Exactly, Software) (by John) October 29th - RED SOX RULE!!!!!!!! (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 28th - Teh intarweb confuses a Colonel ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) October 25th - Tribute to Becky Lentz (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 21st - Picture, if you will. . . (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) October 20th - Comcast and BitTorrent: Why Now? (Econoklastic, General) (by Greg) October 19th - Chris Dodd, Constitutionalist ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) October 18th - Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, redux (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) October 16th - Retroactive Immunity for Criminals? Paging Doctor Feld, stat! ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) October 10th - Which one's Kramer? (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) October 9th - The 700 MHz Auction Pre-Show: Live from the AT&T/Aloha Bowl! (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 9th - Brief update on White Spaces (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 7th - The 700 MHz Dramedy Continues (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 4th - Hey Rush, in case you missed this (infotainment, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) October 3rd - This war brought to you by the RIAA (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) September 27th - Development Rights in a Carbon-Constrained World (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) September 27th - Mixed Reality (Inventing the Future, KAT) (by Stearns) September 25th - Harvard statue becomes Halo avatar (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) September 25th - Would somebody please taze the WSJ? (infotainment, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) September 20th - Petraeus == Betray us ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) September 20th - The Virtual Gets Real (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) September 10th - Whiny Techies or Dishonest Salesmen? (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 9th - Of Bandwidth Hogs, QoS, and Regulatory Chameleons (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 6th - The Bush Administration DOJ Just Can't Do Enough For Its Friends (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 29th - Public Knowledge And the IP3 Awards (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 27th - How Robert and Krys Helped Destroy the Nazi Monster (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) August 26th - Assessing the 700 MHz Order Part IV: Lingering Doubts and Details (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 25th - Watchacallem (Inventing the Future, Memology) (by Stearns) August 23rd - This Monkey's Gone To Heaven (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) August 18th - Cred on “The Street” (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) August 15th - Muniwifi and the Minneapolis Bridge Disaster (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 14th - Current projects, and movies vs interactive machinima (Inventing the Future, meta-medium) (by Stearns) August 13th - I Go Away for a Week and AT&T Gets Cocky (Censorship Public and Private, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 11th - Don't call me, I'll call you… ("A Republic, if you can keep it", Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) August 2nd - Why Google May Still Bid (Econoklastic, General) (by Greg) August 1st - FCC loses Barry Ohlson (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 31st - Liveblogging the Fun fun Fun at FCC at 700 Mhz Mtg (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 25th - 700 MHz Endgame: Wholesale Open Access Down, But Not Quite Out. (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 24th - Senator Durbin Consults With the People (General, Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 21st - Can you smell the logic? (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) July 21st - Jet Blue and me (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) July 20th - Cheney assumes presidency tomorrow (I Fear These Things, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) July 19th - 700 MHz Endgame: AT&T Reverses Course So Fast It Gets Whiplash (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 13th - 700 MHz Endgame: Has AT&T Asked Bush to Put Thumb On Scale? (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 9th - David Weinberger's Excellent Piece On Structural Separation (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 6th - iPhone and OpenLaszlo (My Thoughts Exactly, Software) (by John) July 6th - “Come to Glasgow. . .” (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) July 6th - The Value of Diversity, Or, Lessons of a Canadian Folksinger to the US Supreme Court. (General, How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 4th - iPhone and the Techno/Business of Artificial Scarcity (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) July 3rd - Blogswarm against Theocracy: I know What I Have To Lose (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 2nd - Libby communtation == obstruction of justice ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) June 29th - Open Access Gains Another Convert, AT&T Denies Poisition Change (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 27th - I rarely post “me too” postings . . . (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 27th - Fourthbranch and the Sally Ann Quinn parlor game ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) June 24th - What Digby said ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) June 23rd - Pay no attention (My Thoughts Exactly, Wetmachine site news) (by John) June 20th - Adelstein Publicly Calls for Open Access (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 19th - Adelstein to Tech Sector & Frontline: Can You Hear Me Now? (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 12th - Open Mouth, Insert Foot, and Hopefully Learn Lesson. (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 11th - Ramble On… (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) June 9th - We Win Again On 3650-3700 MHz. So What Does It Mean? (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 9th - Croquet in the Economist (print edition!) (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) June 8th - Summer of Code (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) June 6th - Slurpr! Slurpr! For Fun Legal Questions, It's A Wonderful Toy. (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 4th - So What The Heck Is M2Z? And Why Do I Support It? (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 1st - Caveat Hacktor (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) May 31st - I've been spamtrapped! (My Thoughts Exactly, Wetmachine site news) (by John) May 30th - Intel adapting to OLPC, and graphics accleration on mobiles (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) May 29th - Is Edwards the One? I begin my due dilligence for '08. (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 28th - Sophie-Croquet Trailer (Inventing the Future, meta-medium) (by Stearns) May 27th - Gulf War Syndrome and Sarin: Jake Carelli was right (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) May 27th - Here's blooking at you, Harold! (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) May 23rd - Culture Jamming: Our Dominant Medium (Inventing the Future, meta-medium) (by Stearns) May 23rd - Neuron (I Fear These Things, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) May 22nd - Define “has learned” please ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) May 21st - This Genuine Commemorative 1993 Petition for Recon Available If You Act Within 30 Days (Life In The Sausage Factory, Media Ownership, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 17th - Shout Out for New Econ Blog (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 17th - The XM-Sirius Merger: Part One (Econoklastic, General) (by Greg) May 17th - Greg Rose and the evolution of a wet machine (My Thoughts Exactly, Wetmachine site news) (by John) May 15th - Is Copyright the Administration’s Next Domestic Spying Tool? (Fighting the IP Mafia, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 7th - The 700 MHz Auction as the Next Front In the Cable/Telco War. (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 4th - I, For One, Welcome Our New Google Overlords (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 3rd - O.K., Now You Can Call Some Bush Supporters Facists (I Fear These Things, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 3rd - The Fox-Newsification of the Wall Street Journal (infotainment, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) May 2nd - My guest spot on Esme Vos' Muniwireless site (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 30th - A Must Attend for Community Wireless Networking (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 29th - Criag Aaron and I show up on Uprising Radio (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 29th - VA Tech Aftermath: The Usual Panic Repression With A Racist Undertone (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 28th - Oh yeah, the Skype Petition . . . (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 26th - Support the Internet Radio Equality Act! (Fighting the IP Mafia, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 24th - Of mice and pirates (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) April 24th - Get Your Brackets Set for Tomorrow's Spectrum Sweet Sixteen! (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 21st - Jack Welch, Karl Rove, media cartels, and the subversion of democracy ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) April 20th - Save Internet Radio! ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) April 19th - this just in: All your planet are belong to us (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) April 19th - new technology (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) April 17th - Of robotic automation and the ingenuity of the sex industry (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) April 16th - Last Month's FCC Network Neutrality Items (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 16th - Free Press Rescue Internet Radio Campaign and Paper Magazines (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 15th - Collaborative initial connection (CroquetCollaborative, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) April 14th - More good news from the Precog Engineering Team (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) April 12th - another laszlo/croquet pairing (Inventing the Future, Memology) (by Stearns) April 11th - Imus bye-bye (infotainment, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) April 11th - Breaking! Matt Drudge allegedly still not a pedophile! (infotainment, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) April 8th - N-D: the DNA of user interfaces (Brie, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) April 6th - rock shows then and Can You Hear Me Now? ("A Republic, if you can keep it", Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) April 5th - Dr. Evil to create virtual people (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 31st - KAT positioning (CroquetCollaborative, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) March 28th - Lots of Croquet news (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) March 27th - Independent Musicians Launch “Rock The Net” Network Neurtality Campaign (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 23rd - Too funny not to share . . . (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 21st - My Academic Article on Unlicensed Spectrum Gets Published (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 20th - The bogeyman has no shame. UW steps up. ("A Republic, if you can keep it", Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) March 20th - OpenLaszlo 4 is out, you rock stars! (My Thoughts Exactly, Software) (by John) March 13th - Qwaq Debut (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) March 12th - Great Paper on NN Out of University of Florida (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 7th - Hooray for Libby Conviction! ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 6th - Libby trial reflection: “My pencil is dull and my handwriting stinks” ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 6th - Designed to Fail (Inventing the Future, KAT) (by Stearns) March 5th - Internet radio in immanent danger? (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 4th - Distributed Systems Part 2: Off-Island Data (Inventing the Future, KAT) (by Stearns) February 26th - Spontaneous Usage (Inventing the Future, KAT) (by Stearns) February 24th - Dick Cheney, “Uniquely Ridiculous” ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) February 22nd - Overmind hires Rutgers to build PreCog Institute (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) February 19th - Tim Wu Writes Incredibly Important Paper on Wireless Networks (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 13th - Pains at the Panopticon (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) February 12th - Raising the Profile on Franchising and Public Access Cable (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 7th - Wireless Broadband As Information Service: Brand X Is Not Enough (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 7th - Meet you in the middle, John (Inventing the Future, Software) (by Stearns) February 6th - David Broder, well known liar ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) February 5th - Utterly shameless self promotion (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 5th - Update to last night's post on RIAA v. XM (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 4th - RIAA v. XM — Hard Cases and Clueless Judges Make for a Dangerous Mix (Fighting the IP Mafia, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 3rd - How do distributed systems work? (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) January 31st - Such a Deal! (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) January 29th - Telcos Find Link Between Google, Net Neutrality, and Al Qeda (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 26th - Freedom 2 Connect Returns to Silver Spring (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 24th - VDC — Video VOIP (Cable, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 21st - “Turn me on dead man” (The Beatles) (Inventing the Future, KAT) (by Stearns) January 19th - Computers suck. Film at 11. (Inventing the Future, KAT) (by Stearns) January 15th - The Collaborative For Croquet (CroquetCollaborative, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) January 14th - NCMR Day 2: I collapse into an exhausted stupor (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 12th - The KAT (Inventing the Future, KAT) (by Stearns) January 12th - NCMR Day One: Free Press Amazing At Everything But Planing Parties (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 10th - Kerry drops another good bill (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 9th - Book Review: Eric Klinenberg's Fighting For Air (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 8th - Child's Play (Inventing the Future, KidsFirst) (by Stearns) January 7th - IMPEACH ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) January 4th - Digital Clutch (Inventing the Future, KAT) (by Stearns) January 3rd - Why Yoo Is So Wrong on AT&T Net Neutrality Condition (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 2nd - Look what the FCC Found in the Basement! (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 1st - Open-Source Curriculum (Inventing the Future, KidsFirst) (by Stearns)
December 30th - Brothers (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) December 29th - AT&T Net Neutrality Condition: Win, Lose or Draw? (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 28th - Evocative Performance vs. Information Transmission (Inventing the Future, meta-medium) (by Stearns) December 27th - My Annual Shameless Self-Serving Plug for My Employer (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 27th - FCC Last Call Part II: Cyren Call Sings Again (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 26th - What's the Matter? (Inventing the Future, KidsFirst) (by Stearns) December 26th - Tales of the Obermind (I Fear These Things, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) December 25th - FCC Last Call — Part I: Cable (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 23rd - The Shared Experience (Inventing the Future, KidsFirst) (by Stearns) December 23rd - The Legend of OpenLaszlo Legals (My Thoughts Exactly, Software) (by John) December 21st - Talking Dirty for the Public Interest (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 21st - Virtual healing (My Thoughts Exactly, Software) (by John) December 20th - Making a Living in Languages (Redux) part 9: How Do You Make Money? (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) December 20th - Blog Tagged by Susan Crawford (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 19th - McDowell: “I Am Not A Pawn; Solve Your Own Damn Merger!” (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 18th - Making a Living in Languages (Redux) part 8: Killer Apps (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) December 16th - Making a Living in Languages (Redux) part 7: Give ‘Em What They Want (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) December 11th - To the barricades! Net Neutrality fight is on in Michigan ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) December 11th - How The Conservative/Big Business Alliance Bankrupted Air America (Censorship Public and Private, How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Media Ownership, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 9th - Henry Rollins, honorary Wetmechanic ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) December 8th - Making a Living in Languages (Redux) part 3: Hidden Special Purpose Languages (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) December 7th - Boston City Council “Wicked OTAHD-ed” (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 6th - GAO Report: Believing in Competition Doesn’t Make It Happen (Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 4th - Making a Living in Languages (Redux) part 1: What Do Buyers Want? (Inventing the Future, Philosophical business mumbo-jumbo) (by Stearns) November 30th - Markey to Take Telecom Subcommittee (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 30th - Babelicioius Porn (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) November 28th - The precogs are here (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) November 23rd - A little Parable on Orphan Works Reform (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 23rd - NAB Turkey of A Report (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 21st - “The first cyberage-religion” (Memology, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) November 14th - So How About That New Congress? (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 10th - Follow-up on “The Sign” ("A Republic, if you can keep it", Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) November 8th - Congratulations Senator-Elect Webb! Congratulations Senator-Elect Tester ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) November 7th - Vote today, please (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) November 2nd - Death of a Citizen Journalist (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 2nd - LPFM Documentary THIS SUNDAY on the Hallmark Channel (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 1st - To the Thief Who Has Stolen My Sign (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) November 1st - Big Win For Community Wireless At FCC (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 28th - You've Got Mail! (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) October 27th - How to Steal an Election ("A Republic, if you can keep it", General Exception, My Thoughts Exactly) (by Gary) October 27th - Fear Itself (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) October 25th - Keep Azeroth Tax Free! (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 24th - Quasi-muni wireless for Colorado Springs? (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) October 18th - Technoparanoia Warning Signs (General Exception, I Fear These Things) (by Gary) October 18th - The AT&T Merger Saga Continues . . . (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 13th - OpenLaszlo to Java Mobile (My Thoughts Exactly, Software) (by John) October 11th - DOJ — “Antitrust? What's That?” (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 11th - I Co-Author Paper On Why “Free Market” BS Work So Well In Policy (How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 11th - Stunning Announcement! Ward Churchill appointed to Hoover Institution! ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) September 29th - Bill Moyers to Do Special on Net Neutrality (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 28th - FCC Hearings and Home Court Advantage? (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 27th - Brilliant Indictment of Bush and His Proxies from MSNBC (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 25th - My Day With the Reps, or Today I Am A Wonk. (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 25th - Kosmic Karma Waves & update (My Thoughts Exactly, Wetmachine site news) (by John) September 15th - Update: I may owe Powell an apology (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 14th - FCC Spikes Report Undermining Deregulation (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 12th - I'm Speaking Tomorrow (9/13/06) On the Hill (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 10th - What the FAA? (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 8th - How the FCC Made Star Trek Possible (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 8th - I succumb to Technorati peer pressure (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 8th - Path to 9/11: KMRFSIA (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) September 7th - ABC Wins First Ever ToTSF “Sleaze Whiz” Award (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 6th - FCC loses a good one (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 6th - Christofascists on the march ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) September 5th - Just When I Think They Can't Get Any More Patheticly Lame (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 1st - Tiering, It's Not Just For Telcos Anymore (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 28th - Appears that Rose and Lloyd (and me) were right . . . (General, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 24th - Hat's-off to Ken (and treats on the tube) (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) August 23rd - Alien, (or was it Aliens?) in Alabama (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) August 21st - Back From Vacation And FCC Auction Still Going On . . . . (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 20th - The Objects Fight Back (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) August 16th - A monkey by any other name. . . ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) August 11th - Mail at wetmachine (My Thoughts Exactly, Wetmachine site news) (by John) August 8th - Handicaping This Week’s Big Spectrum Auction (General, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 5th - The Deadest Generation ("A Republic, if you can keep it", Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) August 5th - "Meaning to write. . . (My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) July 28th - Colbert Takes on the Morning “News” (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 19th - Too bad this didn't happen last week (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 19th - Through Keanu, Darkly (My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) July 14th - Adelphia Decided (Cable, General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 12th - The Adelphia Day of Judgment Comes (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 11th - Susan Crawford's Five Good Question (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 4th - Stevens Mark Up — Results (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 3rd - Meanwhile….Back at the FCC…. (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 29th - Some painful things & a request (My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) June 29th - My stint as featured blogger at Public Knowledge (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 28th - Doonesbury goes to MIT (Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) June 27th - KISS (Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) June 27th - Steven Wright, Where Are You? (Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) June 26th - The Joker in the Stevens Deck — Section 1004 (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 26th - Stevens Bill Score Card Pre-Mark Up (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 23rd - I am (temporarily) blacklisted by Comcast (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 21st - Yet Another Amazing Esme Conference Comes To a Close (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 15th - Pardon my demo… (Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) June 12th - The Tiered Internet and “Virtual Redlining” (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 12th - Followup on Cellphone Blocking Nanopaint (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 8th - My letter to the Today Show about Coulter (My Thoughts Exactly, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by John) June 8th - UPDATE: COPE PASSES HOUSE late Thursday Night (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 8th - Bracing for the House COPE Vote (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 7th - Independent Artists Losing an Independent Internet (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 5th - Latest on COPE and Latest Video (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 2nd - Congressman Delahunt on Net Neutrality (My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) June 2nd - Some site news (My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) May 31st - Yet Another Amazing Esme Conference (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 31st - This Time, We Spank the Telcos (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 30th - War on the consumer: The DVD War (General Exception) (by Gary) May 26th - And Suddenly, the Universe Changed (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 26th - Much Better Senate Draft from Democrats (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 26th - Help Stop The Merger Madness (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 22nd - The GAO Makes the Case for Community Broadband (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 17th - National Day of Outrage on COPE/Stevens Bill (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 15th - Debunking some Telco Disinformation. (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 15th - Susan Crawford Tells It Like It Is (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 12th - Outsourcing Big Brother Redux and Network Neutrality (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 10th - Last week in CALEA (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 10th - Audio and Video Net Neutrality Links (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 8th - Multi-Bandwidth (Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) May 8th - News from the Metaverse (Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) May 7th - Are You In My Game? (Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) May 6th - Hail Freedonia! (Deconstructing Colbert) (My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) May 4th - My speech at EDUCAUSE Policy Conference (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 3rd - A Network Neutrality Primer (General, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 3rd - Stevens Bill IV –The Bad Stuff (Network Neutrality) (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 2nd - Stevens Bill III– The Bad Stuff (Munibroadband) (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 2nd - And now for something funny (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 1st - Why wait for the Daily Show for Fake News? (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 28th - Observations on the Creative Commons license (My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) April 27th - COPE-ing nicely, thank you ("A Republic, if you can keep it", General, How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 26th - Net Neutrality TODAY (My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) April 25th - ALERT ON Tomorrow's Mark Up of Internet Bill (COPE) (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 22nd - Comcast/TW/Adelphia Deal In Trouble — Update (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 20th - 1.0 (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) April 18th - A painful tale (My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) April 18th - It Doesn't Have To Be Physical (Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) April 18th - Shutting out “controversial” religious ads (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 15th - Cultural Awareness (Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) April 12th - User-Added Value (Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) April 9th - My speech from the Community Wireless Conference (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 9th - Users! (Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) April 9th - NIMBY Indeed (Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) April 7th - Satellite Radio Has Good Political Sense, NOT (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 6th - This week's Candorville a MUST READ (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 6th - Technoparanoia at its finest (My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) April 4th - Chevy: Giving You the Tools to Mock Them (General Exception) (by Gary) April 4th - I am Jack Abramoff (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 27th - An Examination of the Economics of Whitacre Tiering (Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 24th - What did Martin Really Say About a “Tiered” Internet? (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 24th - Croquet, Nature, and Vernor Vinge (Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) March 22nd - The adventures of Fair Use Person? (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 20th - More Proof the RIAA Claims Are Bunk (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 20th - Two good conferences (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 17th - Begone, ye serpents and grasshoppers! (My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 16th - Unlicensed Under Assault, or When Staff Attack! (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 15th - Happy Birthday Federal Register (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 15th - Why your wetmachine page hasn't finished loading (My Thoughts Exactly, Wetmachine site news) (by John) March 14th - Footnote to Bishop Berkeley (My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 12th - Shout Out to our Spammer Friends (General Exception) (by Gary) March 11th - Every Republican is a Bush Republican (My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 9th - Net Neutrality As Campaign Finance Reform (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 8th - FCC Bidding Credits and Digital Inclusion (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 7th - OpenLaszlo == Ajax (My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 6th - Quick Reaction to AT&T-BellSouth Merger (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 5th - Spore video (Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) March 2nd - Wyden Introduces Net Neutrality (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 2nd - What he said ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 1st - Legal Cell Phone Blocking? Cell Phone Blocking Paint and the FCC. (Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 28th - Outsourcing Big Brother ("A Republic, if you can keep it", Censorship Public and Private, General, How Democracy Works, Or Doesn't, I Fear These Things, Life In The Sausage Factory, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 24th - Building the Overmind, one pizza at a time (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) February 20th - Good Wireless Bills Afoot (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 18th - Brie Demos (Brie, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) February 16th - Globalization in convenient movie format (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) February 12th - What the Dormouse Said (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) February 12th - Enter Hedgehog (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) February 10th - A useful chronology ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) February 7th - STOP THE WIFI TAX RUMOR (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 5th - Did the Bells Rip Off America? and Is There An Alternative? (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 5th - Memo to RIAA: It's not the “piracy” — your music sucks (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 1st - Adelphia Transaction Advances (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 1st - Cable Market Power For Dummies (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 1st - Land of the formerly free, home of protofascism ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) January 30th - Down to the wire in Indiana (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 27th - Too geeky even for Wetmachine ("A Republic, if you can keep it", Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 25th - What the $#@! is the “Public” Internet (General, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 23rd - Register here to claim your phony “freedom” (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) January 18th - Touchability Cues (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) January 18th - Happy Anniversary, Ike ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) January 13th - Strange Fruit Heartbreaker (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) January 13th - Do we really need to regulate space travel? (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 12th - Round One to AT&T in Indiana (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 11th - Of Intellectual Property and Neo-Imperialism (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 9th - Jews for Jesus Rises Again (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) January 4th - Here They Come Again! Anti-Muni Bill in Indiana. (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold)
December 31st - Sony Capitulates on One DRM Case (General, Inventing the Future, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Stearns) December 29th - Of Folk Tales and Intellectual Property (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 22nd - Senate Confirms Tate and Copps (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 21st - What we can Learn from the “War on Christmas” ("A Republic, if you can keep it", Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 21st - The last wireless believer has left the Federal Building (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 20th - A 2-1 FCC? (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 14th - Hallmark Channel to Show Documentary on Low Power FM (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 13th - Keep an eye out for Jerry, please (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) December 12th - Farewell to Abernathy (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 12th - Them's Fitin' Words, Craig (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) December 12th - Shameless Self Promotion (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 11th - Is Science Just Science? (I Fear These Things, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 11th - Is the Comcast/Time Warner/Adelphia Deal In Trouble? (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 9th - Collateral (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) December 8th - This for John (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 3rd - Towards an Economic Understanding of…Ourselves? (Inventing the Future, meta-medium) (by Stearns) December 2nd - The Sustainable Economics of Open Source and Open Spectrum (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) December 2nd - Did I really see that? (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 30th - Will CALEA kill CWNs? (Community Wireless Networks) (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 29th - My life as a literary nobody (an update) (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) November 27th - Network Model Security (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) November 23rd - Aaron McGruder Interview Worth Reading ("A Republic, if you can keep it", Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 23rd - ICANN Considered Boring (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) November 22nd - My Take on WSIS and DNS (Life In The Sausage Factory, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 19th - Matisyahu Meditation (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) November 14th - Election Day Results for Muni Broadband (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 14th - We take on Chicago and Milwaukee Commercial TV (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) November 13th - Tinfoil hats — who you calling “fringe”? (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) November 8th - Get yer Laszlo Mail account (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) November 1st - The ongoing war on the consumer ("A Republic, if you can keep it", General Exception) (by Gary) October 31st - Eroica (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) October 30th - Touchability (Brie, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) October 30th - Senators want to jump-start Gattaca (General Exception, I Fear These Things) (by Gary) October 25th - The Way Things Go (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) October 23rd - What politician will claim, “I destroyed the Internet?” (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) October 22nd - Waiting for the Operatic Hammer to Fall (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) October 8th - Paging John Connor: Hurry up with your training, son (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) October 6th - Action Alert on Muni Broadband (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 6th - My speech in SF (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) October 2nd - Demand-driven design? (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) October 1st - Low res or no res? (Brie, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) September 25th - I need help (I Fear These Things, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) September 21st - It's not just open standards, it's open spectrum (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 19th - Martin Misses an Opportunity (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 14th - We gotta get out of this place (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) September 9th - Impeach Bush (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) September 7th - Katrina: Mass murder or merely depraved indifference? (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) September 7th - Fighting to Help Katrina Victims — wireless (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 2nd - URGENT: TECH EQUIPMENT AND VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR KATRINA VICTIMS (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) September 1st - Some Domain Name News (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 28th - Croquet and OpenLaszlo: Plans for World Domination (My Thoughts Exactly, Software) (by John) August 26th - Of UI and Narratives (Inventing the Future, meta-medium) (by Stearns) August 26th - A Model of Success (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) August 26th - Get out your markers (My Thoughts Exactly, Software) (by John) August 24th - FutureFear Architecture (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) August 23rd - Brief follow up on Logan Wi-Fi Fight (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 14th - off on vacation . . . (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 12th - And now, a word from our polar opposite… (General Exception, I Fear These Things) (by Gary) August 11th - 3650 Band Up for grabs again (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 5th - Mesh Networks (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) August 5th - TeaTime in a Nutshell, by My Daughter (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) August 5th - DSL Item Released — coulda been worse (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) August 3rd - I'll miss my ISP when its gone, *sniff* (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 31st - Fighting Big Cable (and why it matters) (Cable, General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 28th - Quick tag to Ensign Bill (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 24th - Summer Heat (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) July 18th - Lafayette we are here! (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 14th - FCC Pulls Broadcast Ownership Item and Makes My Summer Easier (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 13th - Small But Potentially Significant Spectrum Ruling (General, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 13th - Thinking a Bit More Clearly on Grokster and Brand X (Fighting the IP Mafia, General, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 13th - Hitchhikers and Acts (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) July 11th - Consumers Union Gets Active on Muni Broadband (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) July 10th - The Imagination Age (Inventing the Future, The Age of Imagination) (by Stearns) July 7th - Un-ironic (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) July 7th - The Ironies (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) June 27th - Black Monday (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 22nd - Scaling to the Enterprise (Part 4 of 4) (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) June 22nd - Je Suis on French TV (Hope I do not sound like une idiot) (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 19th - Scaling to the Enterprise (Part 3 of 4) (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) June 17th - Scaling to the Enterprise (Part 2 of 4) (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) June 15th - Scaling to the Enterprise (Part 1 of 4) (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) June 15th - A Quick Update on Sessions Bill (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 14th - Quaint ("A Republic, if you can keep it", My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) June 13th - Nifty Nekkid Nano Refuseniks (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) June 12th - How SBC Lost TX- And What It means More Broadly (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) June 11th - Well Hello Again Everybody (My Thoughts Exactly, Wetmachine site news) (by John) June 8th - The robot overlords command you to dance! (General Exception, Hardware) (by Gary) June 3rd - Back to the Future (Brie, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) June 3rd - I fear these things, no wait (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) May 30th - Transparent Computing (Brie, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) May 29th - Sunday profundities (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) May 25th - The cybernetic sausage (General Exception, Wetware) (by Gary) May 25th - Jesus Speaks (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) May 19th - Quick Updates (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 16th - Self-replicating robots are here (General Exception, I Fear These Things) (by Gary) May 15th - Media Reform Conference- Saturday (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 13th - What Is It About Immersive 3D? (Brie, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) May 13th - Media Reform Conference -Friday (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 12th - St. Louis Pre-Game Show (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 12th - Live from St. Louis- Kickin' Media Butt In Mo. (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 12th - RSS Feeds & Other Goodies (General Exception, Wetmachine site news) (by Gary) May 10th - A Win in Florida (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 9th - National Identity Card for the Land of the Free (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) May 8th - Wetmachine makeover (My Thoughts Exactly, Wetmachine site news) (by John) May 6th - components have a name — Brie (Brie, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) May 4th - They Just Don't Get It (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) May 1st - communication modes (Inventing the Future, meta-medium) (by Stearns) April 26th - Laszlorific (My Thoughts Exactly, Software) (by John) April 26th - components status (Brie, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) April 22nd - Mindful of Philosophy (Memology, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) April 20th - Off for Passover (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 20th - Voinovich, Ratzinger, and Principle (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 19th - in re: Mars Rover — John channels Gary (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) April 16th - Rosa Barks and Samba M'Bodj (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) April 15th - intregration with document-oriented applications (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) April 15th - Laszlo is Hiring (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) April 14th - FCC, Hartford and Tribune (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 11th - My Muni Report (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 10th - component programming (Brie, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) April 6th - components: reified computing (Brie, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) April 6th - where are they now? (I Fear These Things, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) April 6th - Sony patents beaming sights and sounds into your brain (General Exception, I Fear These Things) (by Gary) April 6th - Bad News From Colorado (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) April 2nd - a rant on copy protection (Inventing the Future, Software) (by Stearns) March 31st - I was just thinking of you… (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) March 31st - Low Power Radio Order (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 29th - My Day With the Supremes (Fighting the IP Mafia, General, Series of Tubes, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 29th - Wetmachine use marketing mixes for good marketing (Memology, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 28th - A brief personal observation on the pay gap (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 26th - components (Brie, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) March 26th - Hofstadter (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) March 25th - hardly working? (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) March 25th - Slow News Day (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 21st - Lose one round in Florida (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 20th - Grey goo, coming soon to a planet near you! (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 20th - Transition States (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) March 17th - welcome Joshua! (history: external milestones and context, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) March 17th - A Big Win in TX, But It's Just Round One (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 16th - Martin Gets Official Nod (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 16th - Crass Commercial Anouncement (My Thoughts Exactly, Writing) (by John) March 12th - Inventing the Future: connectivity and freedom (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) March 11th - On teh internets (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 10th - Quick Take on FCC 3650-3700 (General, Spectrum, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 8th - The Meme meme (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 7th - Columbia Journalism Review on Unlicensed (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 3rd - Inventing the Future: iPods (General, Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) March 3rd - My wife wants to run away with John Gilmore! (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) March 3rd - Customers totally ignore security issues (General, General Exception) (by Gary) March 1st - Tales of the Sausage Factory: UPDATE on 3650-3700 MHz (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 1st - Tales of the Sauasage Factory: My editorial on Muniwireless (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) March 1st - Saying “I love you” with Science! (General Exception, I Fear These Things) (by Gary) February 28th - Tales of the Sausage Factory: Last Gasp on Unlicensed Order (General, Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 26th - Inventing the Future: enchancing performance (Inventing the Future, metaphysics) (by Stearns) February 24th - Wetmachinery (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by John) February 24th - When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro (Inventing the Future, Writing) (by Stearns) February 23rd - Tales of the Sausage Factory: A Win In Indiana! (Tales of the Sausage Factory) (by Harold) February 19th - Inventing the Future: the Croquet Generation (Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) February 14th - Comprehensif Guide to Electronik Musik (I Fear These Things, My Thoughts Exactly) (by bremser) February 14th - Inventing the Future: information as a game (Inventing the Future) (by Stearns) February 13th - Fifty years already of that weird Citroën (General, My Thoughts Exactly) (by bremser) February 5th - Inventing the Future: nuggets (Inventing the Future) (by Stearns)