I Join Public Knowledge As Legal Director

You can read the release here.

Regular readers will know I have worked closely with PK in the past and that it is an exciting opportunity for me to do more on intellectual property as well as continuing work on the spectrum and network neutrality issues. At the same time, I am continuing my consulting work with Strength To Strength Develop-Ed, LLC — albeit in a reduced role.

Stay tuned . . . .


  1. Mazel tov, bro.

    Good news for you, good news for Public Knowledge, good news for freedom-lovers in the USA and elsewhere. Who knows, but maybe even good news for Wetmachine, assuming you continue to blog with us!

  2. Swiped from http://www.fidonet.m.nu/ech

    Cut-n-paste to Word, and make sure it’s in Courier.


    _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __
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    ____()() ____()() ____()() ____()()
    / @@ / @@ / @@ ~\ / @@
    `~~~~~\_;m__m._>o ‘~~~~~\_;m__m._>o ‘~~~~~\_;m__m._>o ~~~~\_\\__m._>o

    _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __
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    ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^\

  3. oh, forget it. forgot this thing compresses spaces. Anyway, look at the link for the picture.

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