As Long As We're On An Electoral Roll . . . .

Allow me to engage in a shameless act of self-promotion.

The 2008 Weblog Awards

If you’ve enjoyed either my shamelessly biased but hopefully entertaining coverage of the FCC and other techno-policy issues, or if you enjoy the whole whacky crew here at Wetmachine, why not go and nominate either Tales of the Sausage Factory or Wetmachine for a 2008 Weblog Award. Here’s the list of categories, and the nomination FAQ. None of the categories really fit, of course, although I will note that “law” and “technology” both have relatively few nominations at the moment.

Stay tuned. . . .

One Comment

  1. I wonder if it’s tacky for me to nominate you (or us). I like the category of blogs with “authority” 100 to 200. We’ve been coming in at about 110 for quite a while. Of course, blogs that are more popular, with authority of 199, say, would seem to have a natural advantage.

    TotSF is the best communications policy blog, but I don’t know how to categorize such things. . . hmmmmm. . . if nobody else nominates you by tomorrow, I’ll look into it.

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