Living rat brain in a jar controls flight simulator

Well, this one is just…. out there. Researchers at the Univeristy of Florida managed to grow neurons from a rat’s brain in a jar, and have it control a flight simulator.

It appears the primary goal of the research was to determine how the brain processes information. So, this really isn’t a mad scientist trying to create a race of rat-brained killer robots. At least, not yet.

(Link lifted from BoingBoing.)

One Comment

  1. I’m sorry.

    You can’t make me read this.

    I did go to the page, but then I chickend out after they got to the part about sending in brains to do things too dangerous for humans. I know where this is going, and those kind of movies always creeped me out.

    I mean, there is a reason, after all, that I started a website for technoparanoiacs.

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