I got tapped this morning to do Power Grid on CNBC’s Power Lunch as a follow up on my quote in the Wall St. J. and my blog post from yesterday. I think it went reasonably well, as these talking head debates go. We each made our points and followed the rules on time and avoided ad hominem attacks. Anyway, you can all judge for yourselves.
AI Policy and the Uncanny Valley Freakout. by Harold June 30, 2023 We have been debating, on and off, about the issues around artificial intelligence and AI governance for some time now. Here at Public Knowledge, we…
Too bad the format did not allow you to go into how much tax subsidies these guys have already been given in exchange for promises they failed to keep.
But while the uproar has swayed much of the public to Johansson's defense at a time when #genAI is increasingly under scrutiny, this may not quite be an open-and-shut case should she decide to sue . Read the breakdown from @M_F_Rose in her latest article:
The release of @OpenAI's new digital assistant "Sky" stirred controversy after actress Scarlett Johansson alleged that the company had infringed on her rights by using a soundalike voice of hers after she'd declined to voice it herself.
Just saw @MargotSusca fantastic interview with @adamconover about the death of local news at the hands of hedge funds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N21YfWy0-bA A theme I have written about *a lot*. Like this blog post from 2018: https://wetmachine.com/tales-of-the-sausage-factory/we-need-to-fix-the-news-media-not-just-social-media-part-i/ This has been a long time in the making.
I wrote yesterday on the terrifying escalation of antisemitism in Canada, citing events just over past week. Now there is more: last night a firebomb attempt at a Vancouver synagogue. Daily antisemitic incidents is who we are now.
You did a great job.
You did a great job.
Too bad the format did not allow you to go into how much tax subsidies these guys have already been given in exchange for promises they failed to keep.
I look forward to seeing you on there again!
The format is a joke. How is it even worth your time to show up just to make a few 10-second comments.