After the very public tongue-lashing from FCC Commissioner McDowell as part of deciding the Comcast/TW/Adelphia transaction, the “lazy and indolent bureaucracy” charged with processing cable complaints has finally issued an Order designating for hearing MASN’s complaint that Comcast refuses to air the DC Nationals games violates the law. Sort of. There are a few interesting little oddities, as well as a big, heapin’ WHAT THE HECK TOOK SO LONG!
We’ll have to see if they now move to the other proceedings — such as the leased access rulemaking — promised in the Adelphia Order, or if this is just a one shot because Washington Nationals coverage (or lack thereof) has become such a sore point for folks here in DC. But it gives some modest hope that (at least for the moment) the FCC has some genuine interest in actually enforcing the laws already on the books that limit the ability of cable operators to abuse their market power.