So today’s my day in the Blog Tour De Force Cage, and I overslept! Oy! What a way to start one’s mixed martial arts career! So, without further ado, here’s a big hello and best wishes to my esteemed opponent Kimberly Kinrade and her poignant story, poem, dream collection about a love gone violently off the rails, Bits of You & Pieces of Me.
Representing me in the ring is my Acts of the Apostles, a nanopunk biopunk cypberpunk thriller in the “Neal Stephenson meets Flannery O’Connor and Michael Crichton and Joseph Conrad” tradition, or as Hemos said on Sashdot oh so many years ago, “What Tom Clancy would write if he were smart”.
I’ll update this post as the day goes on, after coffee, but I think I’ had better get this up on my site soon, lest I lose this match by default!
Everybody who comments here today gets a free ebook version of Acts. Be sure to leave me an email addy. One lucky reader gets ebook versions of all three of my books, and a signed, printed copy of any one of my titles. More anon! Let the pummeling commence resume.
UPDATE 4/21: My day in the cage is over. I’m grateful for all the love in the comments. It was quite a showing of support. Alas, I did get my ass pretty roundly & soundly kicked by new Champeen Kimberly, but all in all I’m happy with the turnout. I’ll be sending out coupons today to people who posted yesterday. You can redeem them for a free ebook version of Acts of the Apostles from in the ebook format of your choice. Free ebook giveaway is now over; if you missed out feel free to buy a copy. They’re cheap!
As a reminder to folks, you do not have to include your email in the body of your message. Just include a real email in the email field, and you’re golden.
I confess this isn’t a genre I’ve read but it looks interesting.
Good luck on the match!!!
I have to say I envy the raffle winner, who’ll get the chance to devour all your books in one huge gulp. Me, I’m looking forward to Acts 2.0, and that other project that I need not name. Hope to see you in the final round …
Is this one of those 4/20 things?
Heavens, that girl is beating you up. And she says she’s cuter, too. Probably is.
Ms. Kinrade, as of the moment, certainly is beating me up. But note: woman, not girl. Perhaps cuter than me; we’ll have to ask my wife about that.
Now, back to the book: in the revised edition, don’t you think you should have some puzzle involving Ulam numbers? Much more fun and obscure than Fibonacci, and circles around to a review of one of the books. Indeed, I think the security question for posting comments should ask for then next Ulam number. Or better yet, the security question on Kimberly’s site should require knowledge of such partitioning. How would you reciprocate appropriately?
I’m not quite sure what nanopunk biopunk cyberpunk means, but I’m interested to find out. Sounds intriguing. Good luck!
“a nanopunk biopunk cypberpunk thriller in the “Neal Stephenson meets Flannery O’Connor and Michael Crichton and Joseph Conrad” tradition”
I have to admit that you’ve got my attention! That was a total mouthful and deserves a chance to be read!!
Here’s a vote for your book John! The whole MIND OVER MATTER meta-opus, in fact!
John, this is torture. I’ve had to put your book and Kimberly’s down partially finished. It isn’t like I have to be on call here at BTDF all day tomorrow or anything, naaa. But my other series is SF, so I enjoy this stuff.
I’ve programmed my entry to post at 12:01 a.m., so if I oversleep, it won’t matter. BTDF will go on without me. LOL
Suzanne Adair
HI John,
Looking forward to reading your novel. Sounds intriguing. I’ve always enjoyed Cyberpunk novels, and yours also reminds me of the Science Fiction novels I loved when I was younger.
Good luck today in the ring.
George Pappas
author of novel “Monogamy Sucks”
Hi John! Just stopping over here to offer you a sweat rag and see how you’re doing. Looks like you’ve got some loyal fans! #goodforyou 🙂 Your book is definitely an engaging read and will make for an entertaining gift to all who comment today. Thanks for being such a wonderful opponent on our epic day. Still 5 hours left! Who knows what will happen!
Hey john love your books. I’m not sure I can solve the math problem that proves I’m human but I’ll try
I love the blurb, “What Tom Clancy would write if he were smart.” Hilarious.
That Slashdot review, from Spring, 2000, has probably sold or helped me sell more books than all other reviews & marketing/pimping efforts combined. The night that review appeared on /., my ranking was #1,500,000 or so. When I woke up the next morning, it was #59. For a few hours I outsold Tom Clancy and Michael Chricton, on the strength of that 1 pretty bland review. It’s also helped sell hundreds of copies later. I always bring printed copies when I sell in person, and when geeks see that Hemos of Slashdot liked it, it often turns into an immediate sale.
I liked this book. A lot. I got seven chapters into a novel and realized that I was writing a slightly different version of Acts, so I stopped. Why compete with something that good?
The hard copy of Acts is enjoying a place on my shelf of “Authors I’ve Met In Person”, but the ebook would be awesome.
I couldn’t be bothered working out what time zone this match is supposed to be in but I hope this still makes it. (It is 1pm Thursday here)
Hope you do well. I reread Acts and CCD recently and found I got a lot more out of them. I must admit I was surprised as, although I enjoyed them immensely, I must admit that I didn’t think they would offer new depths on yet another read.
Prime Ulam numbers: My security question was 2+11=13
Your novel sounds like something right up my alley! I hope I’ve made it (I wasn’t checking timezone and all that jazz…).
Good luck in the cage match!
You had me at cyberpunk!
I posted earlier yesterday but saw that i email was entered incorrectly. so reposting!
I see that you stated in this post that the giveaway is now over, but I also see on the Cage Match site itself that it’s still going on… If it’s still possible, I’d love to check out your book! I’m currently listening to Snow Crash on audio (after having read it 3 or 4 times over the years), so the comparison to Stephenson intrigues me. 🙂
I’d love to read your book!!
I’m sorry that the giveaway is over, but I’ll have to check your work out. I’m a big Stephenson fan.
Can’t wait to read your books. Thanks!
Would love a copy of Acts of the Apostles
This sounds like a great read. I’m always looking for new authors to read. I just wish I would have found out about this Blog Tour de Force before today!!!