So my old friends at the National Cable Telecommunications Association (NCTA) are doing a blogger outreach event today. Oddly, I was not invited. No doubt my invitation was blocked or degraded.
I never get this crap from Verizon.
Stay tuned . . . .
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<nag> Maybe they’re waiting to see what you tell us all about what you saw at the “Big Tent” blogger affair in Denver! </nag>
I would say that you – SHOULD – be included, as you do seem to have more of a finger on the pulse of this area than many others!
Harold –
I sent this via your webmaster e-mail as well.
We apologize to you and your readers for the oversight. Leaving you off was completely unintentional. I have copied below the list of invited attendees – just so you do not think this is intended to be a one-sided affair.
We plan to do this again soon, and be sure we’ll get you on the list. I’m actually not sure where you’re located geographically. If you’re in the DC area and not doing anything this afternoon, please feel free to come by. We expect the conversation will last until about 4pm.
Sorry again. We hope to see you next time (or later today if you can make it).
Invited attendees list:
Markos Moulitsas (DailyKos)
Matt Yglesias & Kevin Drum (The Atlantic)
Adam Green (MoveOn)
Arivosis (AmericaBlog)
Josh Marshall (Talking Points Memo)
Nico (Huffpo)
KagroX (Kos)
Faiz (ThinkProgress)
Jane Hamsher (FireDogLake)
Jerome Armstrong (MyDD)
Matt Stoller (Open Left)
N.Z. Bear (Rob Appel) – Truth Laid Bear
Francis Cianfrocca – RedState
Patrick Ruffini – The Next Right
Glenn Reynolds – Instapundit
Eugene Volokh – Volokh Conspiracy
Matt Lewis –
Little Green Footballs
Ed Morrissey
Paul Mirengoff
Mike Masnick (TechDirt)
Om Malik (GigaOm)
Robert Scoble (Scobleizer)
Ben Drawbaugh (Engadget)
Wilson Rothmann (Gizmodo)
Dave Zatz (Zatz Not Funny)
Mari Silbey (Connected Home 2 Go)
Nate Anderson (Ars Technica)
Rob Pegoraro (Washington Post)
Andrew Noyes (Congress Daily)
Andrew Feinberg (Capitol Valley)
Gigi Sohn (Public Knowledge)
Ben Scott (Free Press)
Adam Thierer (Tech Liberation)
Jim Harper (Tech Liberation)
Drew Clark (
Declan McCullough (CNet