Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA) has confirmed he will take the Telecom Subcommittee rather than seek chairmanship of the Resources Committee.
I can’t think of better news to close out 2006. Ed Markey displays that rare, brilliant combination of staying true to his principles at all times while still working well in coalition and with his counterparts accross the aisle. On just about every issue I can think of: net neutrality, media ownership, privacy, fair use, consumer protection, digital inclusion, Ed Markey has been a champion and leader.
Whoooooo Hoooooooooo!!!!!!!!
Stay tuned!
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I am very pleased to live in his district – it is my estimation that, beyond telecommunications, he has been a sterling example of the sort of politician which people claim no longer exists.
That’s pretty cool. Though I’m not a fan of the V-chip, and I don’t know where he stands on IP issues.
*HUGE* sigh of relief! I really hope this means that Net Neutrrality will be reinstated in the not so far future. And Mark? I’m jealous. I wish PA had a champion like Markey.